lady_scarecrow (she/her)

Trans woman and amateur writer.
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My free novel:

  • 2 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 5th, 2024

  • I don’t think there were any bad intentions on OP’s end, but the highlighted claim that a person is female and therefore has this or that genitalia is indeed transphobic.

    Someone’s probably going to show up and say “but it says ‘female’, not ‘woman’!” Well, “female” as an adjective referring to people already means woman. A female doctor is a doctor who is a woman. And “female” as a noun (e.g., “the females”) is a terrible way to refer to people, to begin with.

  • I don’t want to come out to people, telling them that I feel like a woman, when I look and sound like a man.

    I understand where that comes from, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think the same way when I started transitioning. I pretty much never corrected people when they misgendered me, because I didn’t want to get in their way. I felt as if I hadn’t earned being a woman yet. Now I understand that gender isn’t something you earn. You deserve being treated for who you are, despite how you look or sound like.

    I’ve been on HRT for 7 months or so, and I just don’t look feminine.

    HRT is basically puberty 2.0, and puberty takes many, many years to complete. I know how frustrating it is to wait for the changes, but that should also give you hope. Even if you don’t like how you look now, that can and probably will change over the years.

  • I managed to get myself into a pretty ridiculous problem.

    I wrote a short novel that I wanted to share on here (since it has plenty of trans characters), but there’s no way to upload a PDF to Lemmy, and I don’t want to use google drive or anything of that sort because of the privacy implications. Well, no big deal, I told myself, I can just upload it into that site someone linked the other day. But I wrote it under a pen name, without any mention to this username, and the upload process is completely anonymous, so now I have no way to prove I wrote my own book.

    At least the book is still being reviewed, so it’s not been released yet and there shouldn’t be any other mentions to it anywhere else. So for the record, the book is titled “The witches of Galree” and the pen name I used is Emily Mathison Lovelace. Hopefully that will be enough to prove I’m really the author when the reviewing is over.

    Also, if anyone knows a way to share this PDF here, please let me know.