kittin [he/him]

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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2024


  • It’s not yet clear QC is even really possible.

    There exist toys that prove it works in concept but it’s proving extremely difficult to scale these up to actually meaningful systems.

    My understanding is that the core of the issue is the collapse of the wave function. QC works by exploiting quantum uncertainty and if the state collapses then the computation is over (or something like this, I’m not a physicist or QC expert.)

    And the problem they’re facing is how to make systems that are much larger and therefore capable of computing more, but the larger a system is the sooner it will collapse.

    It could be that it’s simply impossible or uneconomically difficult to make systems large enough to actually be of use and value.

    Maybe this is a solveable problem, maybe it’s actually not. But QC is in the same bucket as cold fusion as a technology that would be extremely useful and we have reasons to believe it might be possible to actually do based on theory but it’s proving impossible to implement in practice.

  • The Bizarre State of Western Democracy

    Picking out the key thesis argued by Prabhat Patnaik.

    Democracy is supposed to mean the pursuit of policies that are in conformity with the wishes of the electorate. True, it is not that the governments first ascertain popular wishes, and then decide on policy; the conformity between the two is typically ensured under bourgeois rule by the government deciding on policies in accordance with ruling class interests, and then having a propaganda machinery that persuades the people about the wisdom of these policies The conformity between public opinion and what the ruling class wants is thus achieved in a complex manner whose essence lies in the manipulation of public opinion.

    What is currently happening however is altogether different: public opinion, notwithstanding all the propaganda directed at it, wants policies that are altogether different from those being systematically pursued by the ruling class. The policies favoured by the ruling class in other words are being pursued despite public opinion being palpably and systematically opposed to them.

    Such riding roughshod over public opinion is typically sought to be achieved by keeping these burning issues of peace and war off political discussion altogether. In the coming US presidential elections, for instance, since both the contenders, Donald Trump and Kamla Harris, are agreed on supplying arms to Israel, this issue itself will not figure in any presidential debate or in the presidential campaign.

    In the metropolis there has thus been a transition from “manipulation of dissent” through propaganda, to the total ignoring of dissent, even dissent by a majority, that has proved to be immune to propaganda. This represents a new stage in the attenuation of democracy, a stage characterised by an unprecedented moral bankruptcy of the political establishment.