• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Yep, the pirate captain that helped them take their ship do so on the condition that they implement some version of The Pirate Code. All major decisions are decided by vote, with each crewman also getting a vote. In practice I would rarely have the crew vote against the party, just cos that’s no fun. But morale has been getting low, and if they don’t address it, they may decide they want a new Captain and try for a vote, giving the players a crisis to deal with.

    Loot is also shared out equally, except the captain/officers get two shares. The players decided that they all collectively share the position of captain, while also having other roles. So they all get twice what the crew gets. I believe this is pretty accurate historically.

    I just let the players decide the route though, I’ll only get the crew to protest if they haven’t taken a prize for a while, or if I think the crew would have an issue with the specific destination they choose. One of the players has the role of navigator so she does a check to see if she does a good job of that. If she doesn’t, I roll on my encounter table and something gets in their way, slows them down, or attacks.

  • Thank fuck for that. Now if we can only turn off all the other a.c. as well, we’d have made a start!

    Edit: this was a joke, but wow, you Americans are really defensive about your AC. I live in the UK and the rare times it gets very hot we are miserable because our building almost never have AC, and are built to retain heat. So I do see how much more comfortable it makes you.

    Someone, who was trying to argue in favour of AC, said it uses 10% of all electricity globally. Thats insane! I guess we actually do need to turn it all off.

  • These are great questions!

    “There’s an island to the North, right? Surrounded by a maze of coral reefsit is. No one has been able to find a path to it, even by rowboat, but folk have been dashed on em even taking it careful like. Sailors swear they saw the foral move! BUT my mate Ron, he said he heard off his mate Jim, that there was this druid on his ship what wildshaped into a pelican, right, and flew over it. Said there was some kind of temple or shrine in the middle of it. But he couldn’t get close. This deafening voice booming in his head, saying he had to pass the test and find the way there! Couldn’t resist the voice he said. Had to donas it says like it was pulling his strings! Now, I reckon, if there’s a test, there’s a prize! I bet it’s treasure!”

    There’s rumours of a kraken, of course. But it could just be ships lost to pirates, or sunk in storms, or taken over by the sahuagin…

    Speaking of the sahuagin, they have been a lot more active lately, there attacks more frequent and more organised than before.

    There’s a rumour that the dread pirate Blackfin has been killing while ships of people just to turn em all the zombies. He’s building an undead armada! He’s friend to none, pirate or civvy!

    As for superstitions, they’re sailors, so they are a very superstitious bunch. One of my party killed an albatross, and the crew were going spare at the bad luck. They made him wear it round his neck as penance for the bad juju, and the ship was becalmed for days, drifting with no wind. The players tried all sorts to lift the curse but it was actually an encounter I found on reddit one time, the Sinister Seagull. It takes the wind from a ship’s sails and can mind control the crew. They spotted one of their crew throwing gems to the seagulls and had to have a battle with it. They couldn’t tell which was the evil one son they were blasting every seagull they could see. Ingrave the Sinister Seagull basically every non lethal psychic spell I could find and had fun casting confusion, crown of thorns, power word pain, etc, on the party. They took very little damage and it was a frustrating fight for them, but when they finally exploded the right seagull, they were very releived