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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023

  • Literally a children’s hospital in my city had their shit locked up by “hackers” – they were using pen and paper to schedule appointments for weeks, using handwritten notes to pass health details from ER to ICU, etc. It could still be down for all i know, I haven’t checked in a while.

    I don’t know exactly how much pain and suffering this has caused kids, or how many died because of it, but i know how hard it was when my son was in the hospital for months when he was little, and that was with a fully functional hospital.

    It’s fucking disgusting. And I’m like kinda pro-crime a lot of the time…

  • It’s hard enough to get people on board with social movements that directly help them and have no downsides; you’re going to have a hard time promulgating a financial system that undermines the wealth of the people who dominate the standard financial system, especially when the more wealth you’ve accumulated (in the standard system) is directly proportional to your ability to spread propaganda to support your wealth.

    There are better, more winnable, battles to fight than the global financial system.

    While i agree that a victory there would be huge, part of the reason it would be so huge is because of how very, very unwinnable it is.

    That said, if you’re super stuck on finance as the issue you want you be involved with, imo, the best thing you can do is communicate the questions – the problems with contemporary finance, of which there are so very many – and don’t waste your time offering solutions.

    (Even if we had a solution that could work, it would surely be obsolete by the time it could be meaningfully implemented. Cryptos of all kinds, at this point, can only provide their benefits to people with disposable wealth, who can afford to take the risk, and those are exactly the people who don’t need you to fight for their interests. Or anyone – but you’re not anyone, you are you; your energy is finite, spend it where it can help the people who need it most.)

  • The Bibles have nothing to do with his campaign. In the context of the Bibles, he’s just a dude selling bibles, he’s not a representative of his campaign, the money isn’t going to his campaign, and it’s not being spent on his campaign.

    To be specific, there’s no law against a church giving money to a political figure; there are laws against donations to political causes – and political campaigns are political causes. Trump the person can sell whatever he wants and use that money however he wants, or, in this case, license his name to whatever, etc.

    There’s no reason a person can’t pay for their own campaign, and there’s no reason someone with more money than sense can’t just give another person free money with no strings. We don’t tend to this because we don’t tend to have candidates that could believably get money from people for reasons unrelated to their campaign – with any career politician, it would be a transparent pretense. But not with Trump, he legitimately can get people to buy whatever, because it’s him they like, not just him-as-president. The shoes, the Bible, the steaks – they’re proof of that fact.

    The money he’s getting from the Bibles is not political money and he’s not spending it on his campaign. There’s just no there there.

    Trump’s debts are not “political,” especially the fraud verdict (the $400m one) which is his biggest problem rn. There’s no reason a person can’t sell a Bible and use it to pay for the judgement against him for fraud. Like, that’s a weird sentence, but it’s true.

    His campaign is definitely short on money, but, financially, his main concern right now is the fraud judgement, and after that the rape/defamation judgement, then maybe the lawyers next? Tho he probably doesn’t plan on paying them. So, yeah, Trump’s going to need some money for his campaign, but he needs to keep the Trump in Trump Tower or he’s completely fucked – legally, financially, and even politically.

    Look, I hate him too, but this is just not money laundering.

  • It’s not illegal to sell bibles. I’m sure there are loads of churches that will fill their pews with them, but they’re not sending money to the campaign, they’re sending it to Trump. Why would he make this harder for himself, he can just take the money and put it in his pocket, there’s no reason to get the campaign involved.

  • For real. Trump is an idiot, a grifter, and a piece of shit, but this isn’t even sidestepping campaign donation law.

    He’s not a political candidate getting funds from churches, he’s a parasite capitalist selling bibles to his fans, and he’s a political candidate – 2 separate things. The bible money isn’t going to his campaign, it’s just going to his pocket.

    This take assumes that he’s selling bibles, funneling the money from their sales to his campaign, then funneling it back out to pay for his disgorgements. This take thinks he’s intentionally making is harder for himself, just to make it illegal.

    He’s just a guy selling shit.

  • We don’t do it for the purpose of increasing responsibility. I mean , I didn’t, maybe other people do. I just really wanted a couple little mini monsters following me around.

    When I was like 30, I was out hiking and I saw some guy with three little kids, the kids were hopping from rock to rock, and the littlest one ran up past the siblings to hold the dad’s hand. It was super cute. My parents were kinda uninterested and afk, so I haven’t seen a lot of examples of dads just having fun with their kids.

    That little family was inspiring, in the sense that it opened my mind to a new way of thinking, but also in the sense of taking in breath, it felt like I had been holding my breath and finally stopped. I realized I didn’t necessarily have to be like them, I could use their bad/mediocre parenting as a “what not to do” list, and still do some of the things that they did that were good. I could go hiking with my kids, I could teach them how to build a campsite out of nothing, or how to build a server, or how to put your thumb on the end of a house so it sprays really far.

    Sure it’s more responsibility but it’s also really fun.

    And, tbh, all the nice things in life are even nicer if you can share it with people. That goes double for kids, because they don’t know how shitty the world is. You just gotta make sure they understand and appreciate the fun stuff and don’t get spoiled.

  • You’re being downvoted because people people think you’re being obtuse, but, as a person that overuses logical thinking to a diagnosable degree, my suspicion is that you’re doing that. Also because your tone is kind of…not good.

    The whole point of the Serenity Prayer (“accept the things I cannot change”) is that it includes “change the things I can” – so the things Davis is changing are things she CAN change, by definition.

    But her point is that she is reframing what she believes she can and cannot change. Recategorizing, if you will.

    She’s invoking the third part of the Serenity Prayer: the wisdom to know the difference. As we grow and learn, our wisdom increases, so the things that belong in the first two categories will shift.

    Things that used to be things that can’t be changed are becoming things that she can.

    To understand the quote, you just have to give it some space to breathe, and not be so logical about it.

  • I’m not sure it was ever accurate for people who weren’t already conservative.

    It makes a lot more sense that, as you get older, you stop growing and learning, so as society progresses, your formerly progressive views become commonplace and eventually anachronistic.

    (That’s 100% what happened to my mother, who was a hippie, literally flowers in her hair, and now “just doesn’t really get the whole trans thing”)

    And, if a person was progressive, but had some secret conservative or regressive values, those values come into sharper relief when their other views become commonplace – and, as you get older, you’re less interested in hiding your flaws and/or shameful values, so they come out more.

    (That’s what happened with my dad, he was in folk music groups in the 70s and then became a doctor and didn’t like the idea of poor people getting some of his money (even though it was those same programs that kept his mother afloat after his father didn’t come back from Korea).)