• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • That’s fair — I view the two as severity.

    I’m youngish, and as I started my thirties I started to notice the most common thing with the young is they wield political theory a bit too homogeneously.

    Like, when I realized I was a lefty in my twenties every issue started to be framed in how capitalism was the noxious root of the problem, but I lacked the real world context where pointing that out wasn’t helpful.

    Now if someone came along with information that confirmed my perspective I used less scrutiny— because they were “like me” and “we’re one of the ‘good’ guys so they wouldn’t lie to me.” Now, I’m unsure if aging is going to make this better or worse tho 😅 I’m just more aware of it now.

  • Well, I wouldn’t call it a “brain dead take”. I usually keep an Android and an iOS handset and I view each with a set of drawbacks and payoffs. The former (usually) allows you to unlock the boot loader without drawbacks and the latter does not. The latter is exclusive to a set of hardware. So if you want to have iOS you’re consigned to using the hardware deemed acceptable by Apple — but if someone were to accomplish “the brain dead take” a whole host of hardware would be available to you. There’s utility to that for some people.

  • And I totally agree. Like, for example Jon Stewart has military-industrial complex folk on his show all the time. I won’t call him a war hawk or a war profiteer, or whatever. The difference is he also pushes back pretty hard on his guests as well. However, if Jon Stewart were to have supremacist after supremacist appear on his show, not address their stances, and say “They make really good stuff you should check them out” it will start to get suspicious.

    Once you start listening to the content of his show he does the lovely “I’m not racist/anti-semetic, but [insert some of the most racist shit you’ve ever heard]” or frames his narratives around white christendom needing to be perpetually in fear and how the white empire is under attack. His shtick around the “globalist” is a just a rehash of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion with a modern coat of paint. Heck, in less savory circles of the internet “globalists” is often surrounded by three parentheticals and is short-hand for Jewish people, and Jones doesn’t seem to care about the similarity. He’ll use points from Race Realism or Great Replacement. Jones won’t say he’s a supremacist, because that gives up the game and he’d rather operate by winking-and-nodding, however he has no issue platforming them and aping their talking points at an extremely high clip. Like, I could lay out a list of his guests, but that seems really tedious for the both of us — but I could if you want. Now, I’m no mind reader, so I can’t say with 100% certainty that he is one or not, but he operates not too indifferently from one. He advances their narratives and pushes them to his audience.

    I’ve listened to hundreds of hours of this weird dude over the years, and I hate to say this because it comes off as “just trust me bro,” but between the viral moments of the show the day-in-and-day-out is this pretty boring broadcast where uncharismatic anti-semites, racists, or sumpremacists toe the line of saying dogwhistles over what their positions are in other spaces (like their books, weird blogs, or organisations they’re a member of) just long enough to get through the interview. And only if they step over that line Jones gently pushes back as reminder of “please don’t say the quiet part loud here” but never directly condemns their position.

    And, look, we may disagree and that’s fine. I’m comfortable in the thought we won’t change each other’s minds.