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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Brag about it and use it as leverage for power. The money doesn’t actually exist, it’s stock mostly that gets instantly created from nothing. But they can use the idea of its existence to take other people’s real money for the things they want and the rest is just other people agreeing to do what they want because of the idea of power that having it conveys.

  • Russia is our enemy and Israel our ally and the US, especially the right wing, has been trying to delegitimize the UN for years, mostly so the corporations can keep selling weapons to both our own military as well as our allies. It’s not like the sanctions against Russia were ever going to stop the war. They were just designed to give Ukraine a chance to prolong it and sell more weapons to the American people to give to Ukraine. Russia wanted a quick war and that wouldn’t be good for business. With Israel, since they’re looking to keep the war going until there are no more Muslims, we don’t want anything to interfere with that.

  • Economic growth is fine to a point. Problem is measuring economic growth through the arbitrary price of a small group of companies using a market system designed for gambling rather than long-term investing. Better is to base it on the amount of goods exchanged across all levels of society. When the top has all the money and increases their stock prices by buying and selling their own stocks, and the rest can’t afford to participate in the economy beyond necessities, that’s not a good economy.

  • But changing society takes waiting a generation at least. We don’t have that kind of time. People are already dying.

    And yes when produced in bulk, a vegan diet can be cheaper but the meat industry is powerful and gets lots of subsidies. Plus animal products are used in lots of products other than food, so all of the industries have to change and subsidies moved to realize that savings. Right now it’s definitely cheaper to buy animal products if you do a calorie to cost comparison which is what’s important to the majority of the world. It’s only wealthy places that are concerned with low calorie foods.

    So again. What’s easier/faster. Educate the young, wait for the old to die off, slowly change the industries as demand changes… Or incentivize the companies, that produce by far the majority of greenhouse gasses, to stop doing it now with their money and power to make quick changes. I mean even Walmart has shifted significantly to green energy. And not because of public opinion, because they obviously don’t care about that, it’s because it saves money.

  • Ok, I think you’re not getting my point. One person cutting meat, will reduce the amount of greenhouse gases by x amount. This is the action a single person has on the earth. A fortune 500 company like let’s say Walmart, deciding to turn a single store to green energy is going to save a hell of a lot more. And that’s the decision of a single person.

    So let’s instead of concentrating on convincing 7 billion people to stop eating meat, convince 500 people (CEOs of the fortune 500) to do their part to reduce energy usage or switch to green sources. Not only will it save the company money in the long term, but for the individual it will actually cost them money.

    But no CEO wants to have a quarter of reduced profit building green, even if it leads to decades of increased profit. And that’s the main issue. Short term profit is all publicly traded companies care about.

  • Yeah, but the big difference is these are small bombs, and a ton of them, that are really difficult to detect and clear. These things can be a buried for decades, and unlike a mine field someone could have walked or driven over it a thousand times before the one time it finally goes off or gets unearthed and someone picks it up not knowing it’s about to kill or maim them. And the place they’re dropping them might not be an urban area now, but what about in 40 years? The ones the US dropped on Laos, for example, are still killing people. There are millions and millions of them still to this day.