immuredanchorite [he/him, any]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2022


  • although I largely agree, what I have found is that a large number of people just aren’t seeing the images coming out of Palestine and they act as though it is impossible that the media they consume wouldn’t have shown them. People experience media differently from each other in this day, and it leads to vastly different ideas about reality. Particularly if they believe that the media is anti-israel on some level, they think that “CNN and MSNBC would love to be showing that every night” They literally live inside of a fantasy football game where whatever they see is reality and there is no space outside of it. Essentially that whoever will see the images coming out of gaza have, but it simply wasn’t enough because the corporate controlled media either never showed it or used the algorithm to contain it. I think this is why the demonstrations and actual political work over this still has importance.

    This of course is different from the young staffers and petty-bourgeois types at the DNC (and their supporters) who absolutely saw at least some of the violence, but either didn’t care at all or those who avoided it intentionally but continued to follow “the news.” Those types are objectively the worst and there are so many more than i would have imagined

  • It is an imperfect comparison. But, despite the things you listed off, the basic contradiction still exists and revolutionary moments will begin to present themselves as the system becomes increasingly untenable. I think the “decoupling” from China and loss of the petro-dollar could easily undo a lot of brainwashing as peoples lived experiences continue to become discordant with media narratives. When the chips begin to fall, and where things go (in the US) will ultimately be up to revolutionary organizers in the US. The Paris Commune only lasted a few months before it was washed away in blood. Revolution would be shaped by the forces within the context it develops, so leftist in the US should be working very hard to shape them