iie [they/them, he/him]

I go by “test” on live.hexbear.net, or “tset” or “tst” or some other variant when I’m not logged in.

We watch movies on the weekends and sometimes also hang out during the week, you should drop by.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2020


  • Really interesting article about him, thanks for sharing. Apparently he was an actor, painter, and three-time prison escapee with multiple aliases.

    The Guardian article mentions some more stuff about his past:

    [Filmmaker Heath Davis] and authors including Mark Dapin had already uncovered stories of Karlson’s prison escapes that are said to include picking the lock cuffing him to a sleeping officer and leaping from a moving train and swimming off a prison island before being rescued by a benevolent fisher.


    “He was some sort of trained actor, he learned that in prison, but he was also a natural showman,” Watt said. “He bluffed his way out of a court in Sydney, said he was a detective, and to do that he must have been a very confident showman … and a bit of a conman as well”.


  • To talk about this argument we need to know where the numbers are from.

    This author appears to have gotten them from a screenshot someone sent him

    P.S. I haven’t checked any of these numbers myself. I’m assuming the screenshots that Zambrano sent are the real thing. If he’s scamming me here I’m gonna be really angry!

    We need to see that screenshot and investigate where its numbers are from

    In the meantime, there is a possible benign explanation, but it’s only speculation:

    P.P.S. Commenter Ryan points out that you could also explain this data pattern as a result of sloppy post-processing, if votes were counted correctly, then reported to the nearest percentage point, and then some intermediary mistakenly multiplied the (rounded) percentages by the total vote and reported that. I have no idea; you’d want to know where those particular numbers were coming from.

    I’m suspicious because I haven’t seen many people talking about this. You’d think there would be a feeding frenzy… or maybe there is and I’m just out of the loop