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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • but if they aren’t working for you, pay someone else

    My realtor was never on time to a single showing. He never knew the answer to any question without taking time to look it up himself. He couldn’t remember my specifications and his reading comprehension was non-existent as I had to repeat myself many, many times to get any kind of point across.

    If I hadn’t gotten my house when I did, I would have dropped him. If I were any other kind of business owner and one of my employees acted like that people would think I was a fucking moron for keeping them on.

    Your realtor is your employee. Don’t be afraid to fire them for shitty performance.

  • Amen, my phone doesn’t do a thing to draw my attention unless someone is actively calling me or I have willed it do so for an extremely limited amount of time.

    It feels so natural to toss my phone aside and not touch it again for a couple hours, it seems weird to me there are people that, like, cannot do that without anxiety

  • Me too. I went there when I was 10 or 11, and as a child all I noticed was how incongruous it was with everything. I wasn’t awed by it, and my parents seemed sort of put out with how I didn’t care for it compared to my sisters.

    I’d like to pretend that’s some kind of deep political sentiment, but really I think it’s just aesthetically displeasing if you don’t have a thing for monuments

  • I have today off, and no obligations to anyone or anything. The world is my oyster, friend. So y’know, pretty good. It’s still early morning my time zone (stupid internal clock set for AM shifts) so I’m just snuggling with the cat and putzing around on my phone before I get up.

    My only complaint today is that my coffee grinder finally died last week so I’ll have to resort to the pre-ground for my coffee when I do get up in a bit. I’m not a coffee snob by any means but you can totally taste the difference, so I might get a little crazy today and add some oat milk or perhaps even sugar. I know, I’m a wild man.

  • This is interesting, because I have the same things happen with different reasons behind them. Responding to a joke as though I didn’t understand it was one is something I find internally amusing, and my own sense of humor is pretty dry/deadpan so people do miss sometimes when I’m “joking back” as it were

    I think the dividing line is the intensity/frequency, unless one knows one is diagnosed. My coworkers for example pick up on the differences in the way I talk when I’m joking vs sincere pretty quick, and likewise learn that I find some small amusing in being irritating now and again