Downvotes rewarded with hugs.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023

  • I would say they did Wesley Crusher wrong–how they finished Wesley Crusher on TNG

    Is that really the point where you’d feel the writer’s room let Wesley down? I can honestly only think of a few TNG episodes where he didn’t feel stilted and out of place. And that’s from day one of watching the show as it aired, when I was only a few years younger than the character.

    With all respect to Wil W, who had done nice work as a child actor in roles where he would more or less be expected to play a regular kid — I never felt he had the chops to spew 24th century technobabble in a way that sold Wesley as a genius level prodigy. And at the same time, the writers rarely gave him relatable teenage stuff to work with, so he was sort of in a catch-22.

    (I know of some of the BS that Wil has had to deal with through his adolescence and career, and I sympathise. I just don’t think his character was ever written to his fortes as an actor, which probably led to the unfortunate spread of the “Shut up Wesley” meme)

    As for Prodigy, if you wanted to bring back a grating nothing character that has already had too much screentime, Neelix was right there

  • So, in your pottery story only one in 10 mass produced pots would be better (by some fuzzy criteria) than those by somebody who actually pit their mind and creativity to it? Sounds wasteful AF, dude.

    Similarly, a glance at that Geerling guy’s website tells me that he is already maintaining around twenty different social profiles. So I guess his Youtube ad revenue goes into supporting that promotional effort, as well as the amazing work I’ve never heard of.

    I respect your efforts with Communick, even if I don’t agree with your examples. I’m just not interested in an internet that tries to center commercial revenue as a raison d’être. I’ll support people who would be doing what they do without that motivation.