Ol’ wing wings mucking everything up.
Ol’ wing wings mucking everything up.
This might not be super popular, but here goes nothing:
Not all opinions are equal. Just because time and space is given equally to different views doesn’t mean one isn’t right over the other. I encourage you to read and listen to people on both sides of a conflict or topic. Look up what they are talking about on a website or source that is impartial (Conservative media is not the best option for fact finding, but neither are ‘tankie’ style sources. Think research papers, news outlets outside of the area where the topic is most prevalent).
If a narrative or piece of media is using terminology to make one side seem completely evil or bad, chances are it may not be the most unbiased source. Terms like fascist, communist, nazi, terrorist, antifa, woke, BLM, etc. are used a lot as buzzwords to dehumanize and incite people to one side or the other (not always true, but good to look closer at the information presented). If a story makes it so you are the hero by denouncing something, disliking an idea/peple/person/belief, be cautious, chances are it is an emotional ploy to get you to side one way or the other despite factual evidence.
At the end of the day, it is up to each of us to act responsibly with what we put out into the world based on our opinions and understanding. Every single person involved in things like the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is a human being and is going through something much more complicated than most of us will ever have to experience personally. Treat people like people, show respect when due, and be sensitive to the chaos and pain someone might be living through. We need less hate in the world, not more.
I say all this to say, your ideas are currently full of animosity and hate. They are not valid and should rightly be removed from the discussion until you can communicate them more effectively and less emotionally. Intolerance cannot be tolerated if we want to have a better world for each and every one of us.
If you are visiting YT on mobile, ReVanced has been working perfectly for me on Android. I’m not sure if there is cross-platform support, but there are alternatives to traditional adblockers out there.
It looks like some of the kits have an attic insulation shield included in them. They seem to be included for chimneys being run through a roof/ceiling. Is that possibly it?
I highly recommend looking into Spiderweb Software games. They’ve been pumping out top down turn based tactics rpgs for years now. I am not sure of the viability on Linux, but I’m sure there is a workaround if anything.
The Avernum series in particular is great if you’re into detailed character building, exploring, and high difficulty optional quests/bosses!
And now it’s playing on a loop in my head. I’m not even mad about it.