Barbershop quartet singer, weight-loser, philosophy student of life

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • according to what Congress decides

    That’s the rub. We have checks-and-balance and – from the 10,000 foot level – the current president is the enforcer/executor and, as such, has discretion with how to prioritize his efforts among existing and new laws.

    When Congress makes an agency and tucks it into the Executive Branch, the president is the top of that org chart. Project 2025, in a nutshell, says that assignment gives the president the right to decide how much to do that business – including abstaining to prioritize it. This view is consistent with how other government administration works, who may decide that due to a recession we don’t focus on enforcement on fishing boats this year – for example.

    It may even be the case that no reason has to be given to abstain from giving a duty attention or funding. “Because they elected me and I say so,” for example.

    This would provide a check-and-balance against Congress making disagreeable laws.

    Now Congress should still make those laws if they’re sure they’re right, because doing so would say how a thing is to be done and limit a president’s power to do it differently, but the president seems to me to have the power to say whether and if a thing shall be done when it is placed within the Executive Branch (therefore, within presidential purview).

    We have a judiciary that has been pulled rightward, and we shouldn’t be surprised if we see more decisions aligned with Project 2025 from here on out.

    Even if Project 2025 is right on the law, we have not being doing business that way for decades – especially with federal agencies we consider independent by tradition or expectation. If we want to keep doing business the way that we are, we need to make sure our laws and any new constitutional amendments that need to be written are made. Even if we get an upright and generally good person as president, the points made in Project 2025 should be addressed.

  • I don’t know that I fit any of those label, neatly, but I’ve always been skeptical of the idea that the president is not in charge of everything under the Executive Branch.

    Keep in mind I’m not in charge of anything and I’m not right about anything! I’m nobody here.

    If Congress wants an independent agency, they need to create it and put it under themselves, not under the executive branch (so it seems to me). So even if Trump does not get into office (and let’s make sure that he doesn’t) Project 2025 is still going to be out there and it may be legally right in some important respects. Not paying attention to this reality is how we lost something like Roe v Wade … What the Supreme Court can give, it can take away. There is no such thing as “never going to happen”.

    Please defeat Trump and Trumpism, but take this concept of Project 2025 seriously beyond Trump.

  • One of Roddenberry’s first series was called The Lieutenant which aired on NBC for a season – until it was canceled due to a falling out between the Marines and the network over a race-based episode that nobody wanted but Roddenberry forced through (too preachy they worried). Episodes of this are available on YouTube and you will see some of the Trek stars that appeared in Where No Man has Gone Before.

  • This week I started eating a butter sandwich as soon as I wake up in the morning. And when I say “butter sandwich” I’m talking about eight pats of butter between two slices of whole wheat bread.

    About 450-500 Calories, 30% Carbohydrates, 6% Protein, 64% Fat (two-thirds of that is saturated fat) – that’s with regular bread, whole wheat improves this somewhat.

    Why is this so satisfying? I’m not hungry until late in the afternoon, at which point I just wait until dinnertime.

    It’s because the fat content. It’s got enough carbs (fast arc energy) to take care of an immediate hunger. It’s got a lot more fat (slow arc energy) that gives you long-lasting satiety.

    I’d like to lose some weight, and with these butter sandwiches I’m consuming much less food during my day, but they can’t be healthy for me. Clearly I don’t know how nutrition works.

    I’ve learned this as I went along. I went from 298 lbs to 171 and I’ve kept it off for 8 years so far. Think of it as a series of trade ups that you make along the way when you learn thing and you are ready to do them. Doing too much too fast is how to get frustrated and quit.

    To lose weight, we have to take in less energy than we burn and the proverbial average person burns about 2000 Calories a day. To get enough food for basic nutrition (essential fatty acids, enzymes, minerals, vitamins) we need to eat enough and eat through a wide variety of healthy food through the week. Most of us can cut back 25%-33% of what we were eating before and shed some pounds, so the rest has to be good with nutrition.

    Missing in your breakfast and lack of lunch are sources of sufficient protein (such as some meat for example) and vegetables which provide a lot of our vitamins and minerals. But like you said, this is good for weight loss. Now make it smarter in some way, in YOUR way. Don’t try to aim for the optimal way, but what’s a veggie (or fruit) you might add or have on the side with it? When you choose it, it’s easier to make happen. And some fruits are pretty portable and you can have it later that day and prevent that afternoon hunger.

    On the constructive criticism side, butter is a saturated fat and the Heart Association recommends aiming for a dietary pattern that achieves 5% to 6% of calories from saturated fat to avoid health problems. The 8 pats of butter are just under 300 Calories and 120 or so would be the Heart Association’s recommended amount. But, here too, trade up and do baby steps. It’s a journey and it has to stay your diet and not be too weird to you. You can choose a butter-like spread that is mostly unsaturated and satisfy both your taste buds and your heart needs.

    What do you eat in the morning?

    A bowl of 0.5c Cheerios, a few nuts, some milk, and a fruit – all mixed together. It’s small, only about 250 Calories, but I eat again mid-morning when the spouse wakes up. Our main big meal is before noon. We have a light supper later, sometimes what other Americans would think of as a lunch, such as soup and salad.

    Or if you are familiar with the McDonald’s Sausage McMuffin with Egg, I make my own with turkey sausage. If I don’t have that cereal/fruit/nut thing above, I make this.