eduds6 [he/him]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 23rd, 2022


  • Inflation in Russia is only high if considering what neoclassicals/monetarists/neoliberals think about inflation. But this school of economics is not always dominant outside the western world and was imposed as part of its washington consensus economics, the cold war dictatorships such as Chile and Brazil, by the IMF, and by intellectual/theoretical colonialism and right-wing/libertarian NGOs. As an example, marxist economists (in terms of what is traditionally seen as macroeconomics, planned economy) and especially developmentalist economists are dominant in Brazil in universities (although the landowner/financial oligarchy and the army restricts them from getting in power as Brazil is a US colony in disguise), and in fact developmentalism is common in latin america. MMT has seen a growth in other countries.