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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 23rd, 2024


  • Even if the arguments that AI can never replace human writing in terms of quality is true, we’re still drowned out by the noise of it.

    It’s a good point but honestly the internet is mostly just noise and it’s not a problem we’re going to solve. It’s something we have to learn to live with. If you take more than a passing interest in an art, you should be able to find an island in the ocean of noise with like-minded people.

  • I spent months trying to tell my ISP that their side of a DHCP transaction wasn’t giving me my IPv6 address, being so specific as to send them the exact offending packets but it wasn’t until I took my entire network apart, unboxed their shitbox router and plugged that in that they would believe me.

    I’ve worked IT man, I get it, but jesus christ!

  • I could point out why, but I’d probably get banned

    e: this is a dumb comment and I regret making it. What I was referring to was literally right in the opening of the article:

    Eric Maurice, researcher at the European Policy Centre, said there are numerous factors behind the discontent.

    ‘‘It’s true that on the one hand, we can see in the election results a rise in the extremes, in the radical forces, on both the right and the left, with an increasingly uninhibited political language, in verbal violence, in ad hominem attacks in political debate too. And then a radicalisation, a polarisation of society and a difficulty in debating with political adversaries who often become enemies,’’ he said.

    I read the title, made a bunch of assumptions and then posted my comment without reading the article.