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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 8th, 2024


  • The thing you’re missing is that left-leaning Americans have a hard time believing lip service like this because we’ve seen the Democrats fail to deliver on big promises over and over and over. Or they’ll do some crappy watered-down version of what they promised and use that as an excuse not to do anything else on the issue for decades (health care is in this category, minor changes in the right direction in 2010, and it wasn’t even until 2020 that the Democrats would admit maybe everything wasn’t solved yet).

    I’m gonna vote for Biden despite the fact that I do not believe he should be president, but I fully don’t believe a word of this. The Democrats have played this type of card right before every election, and it always ends in disappointment.

  • I think I’m missing some context for what the left wing opinion was at the time considering I was born a few months into Clinton’s first term. Looking back, I can’t see him as progressive at all. I see Clinton as a catalyst of the party’s most recent shift to the right. My first presidential election was Obama’s reelection, which was fine but not very inspiring to vote for someone you were excited about 4 years ago when you couldn’t vote and starting to wonder when he was going to… uh… do anything.

    I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I don’t dislike Biden because of the things I disliked about Hillary. I dislike Biden because he fits the same bill she did. I don’t like a moderate “incremental change” platform because that’s been the MO for a long while now and it clearly only lets the Republicans drag us right. I don’t like the lip service from the Democrats with no follow through time after time after time. I don’t like being told over and over that I have to be happy we have the “most progressive president ever” when half the things that are claimed about him are drops in the bucket when we need a faucet turned on.

    I saw an administration holding student loan debt like a knife over people like me burdened with debt to milk extra votes out of us before proceeding to do very little about it and acting like they fixed the problem. I saw an administration do absolutely nothing to progress universal health care. Not even a plan. I recognize they don’t have the congressional votes for it now. But come up with a fucking plan to inspire us to vote for you so we know if we give you a mandate you’ll follow through. Instead, all we have to rely on is history which shows us the Democrats will implement a watered down, heavily means-tested version of whatever they do. Which means someone like me who makes over their threshold because I’m in one of the highest cost of living cities gets no help even though I’m barely treading water financially due to the yoke of student debt and goddamn groceries that cost over twice what they did 5 years ago. Meanwhile I haven’t been to a doctor in 10 years because I can’t afford whatever they’re going to tell me is wrong with me.

  • I actually have no clue what point you were trying to make in the first two paragraphs.

    Frankly, I see no perceptible difference in platform between the two of them. The main difference in terms of election enthusiasm is the burden of history. This is now the third “most important election of our lifetime” facing the same boogeyman (that I do want to keep out of the White House, to be clear). In the meantime I’ve faced 8 years of the Democratic Party blaming me for 2016 even though I voted for their illegitimate candidate, saying my political group isn’t large enough to be listened to (simultaneous with being large enough to lose the election???), and refusing to take responsibility for any of their actions that have landed us here.

    They propped up Trump as a pied piper, ignored progressives and polls warning them Hillary would lose, and started a pre-emptive smear campaign to blame progressives for the loss. Now, they are still contending with the man they propped up, are once again ignoring polls, and I already see the groundwork for blaming this on progressives. So I’m less enthusiastic because I’ve heard this song before and I dislike it just as much as the first time.

    My vote doesn’t even matter since I’m not in a battleground state. Only my state and local elections will matter. But I’m gonna get blamed for his inevitable loss anyway. I’m just so tired of it.

  • As a progressive, it’s so fuckin’ funny to me to see liberals complain about media bias. With the amount of vitriol y’all spread every time we point that out, you should probably find a different tactic if you want sympathy from your left.

    And also: I don’t need the media to tell me how uninspiring Biden is to people who think like me. Voting for Hillary in the 2016 general made me feel physically ill and still somehow Biden this election is less inspiring than she was. I’m mainly just exhausted from having bland centrist elites handpicked to be the only choice on my ballot.

  • I do the same, metro commuting and a short trip to visit family (~50 miles each way) every couple weeks or so. I don’t even have to plug in every time I get home, I only need to make sure I am charged up at least to 75% for the family visit. Level 1 charging is more than sufficient, I’ve only ever used a charging station just to see what it’s like and try to use up some credit I got for them through my dealership.

    For those without EVs: level 1 charging is just plugging into a standard 120V outlet. I have no special equipment at home, though I did need to confirm my breaker could handle it. For my 2023 Bolt EUV I charge about 1% per hour on the reduced charge setting (8 amps). If I do need to charge a little faster I can swap it to 12 amps, but I typically don’t need to do that.

  • I have an uncommon but not unique name and I have firstlast@gmail.com. As far as I know, others with my name usually include a middle initial in their email address but they sometimes forget it. I’ve gotten family event plans, car maintenance reminders, digital receipts, contractor quotes, and even once added to a daycare group (that one I did reach out to the coordinator to let them know and then removed myself from the group).

  • doctordevice@lemmy.catoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldMandela effect?
    1 month ago

    You’re telling me you never encountered salsa verde before learning the French word “vert”? Even if true, I highly doubt that’s the norm.

    And I’m not sure why you think being on the East Coast matters. 13% of Americans speak Spanish at home, less than 0.4% speak French or Cajun at home. That’s a ridiculously huge region you’ve cited that includes NYC where you’re probably going to visit a bodega long before you learn “vert” and Florida which has major Spanish influence, just like the other two most populous states California and Texas. I live about 100 miles from the Canadian border in the west, so by your geographic argument I should encounter more French than Spanish, but Spanish exposure is way more common here.

  • My current workplace has an official policy of flexing hours for salaried employees. Which is exactly what you just described: if you work time outside of your regular hours, take comp time off for it. And my supervisor is probably the best boss I’ve ever had, she’s super respectful of our team’s time and work-life balance so we don’t even need to run flex time by her. As long as we mark it on our calendars we can just do whatever. A good boss makes such a huge difference.

  • I’m also 9-5 salaried, hybrid with 1-2 days in office each week and the rest from home. It’s very nice.

    Salaried can be a double-edged sword. The occasional self-motivated “I actually really need to get this done” is no big deal, but some workplaces will pile work onto salaried workers with no respect for work-life balance. So you’re left with either not getting your work done and feeling stress because you can’t keep up, or regularly working extra hours for free so you feel stress because you don’t have enough personal time. What kind of job it is can depend really heavily on your direct supervisor and general workplace culture. I had to suffer through a few of the bad kind of salaries positions before I lucked into finding a good one.