Easy there — you already filled up your quota with Rupert Murdoch.
The article you linked to is from 2015 and refers to the original Darfur genocide, unless I’m missing something.
Indeed. I don’t understand why so many people and media organizations that pay attention to Gaza don’t cover Sudan too (they may care, but they barely show it). There’s suffering on a similar scale, foreign powers causing and broadening that suffering and global repercussions through migration, disease, weapons smuggling and radicalization.
Careful there — he did kinda simulate blowing a microphone at a rally, so don’t put it past him to abuse vehicles — even those that lack a tailpipe. Given his mental acuity, I bet he prefers a good dose of leaded exhaust, though.
The United Kingdom, along with France, ceded Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland, not Poland, to Hitler’s Germany; in fact, it was the Nazi regime’s invasion of Poland the following year that prompted France and the United Kingdom to declare war.
Presidents and administrations might not be able to dictate specific prices, but they can and do enact laws and regulations that influence or even define the economy. Trump’s proposed tariffs are expected –not just by economists, but by markets, as seen after the election– to raise prices and, if they are enacted and result in the predicted outcome, fingers should be pointed at his Orangeness.