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Cake day: November 13th, 2023


  • Exactly. I think this advice has everything to do with how far your eyeballs are from the seat of your chair, assuming good posture.

    As a tall-ish person, the “standard” position for a laptop screen or old-school CRT absolutely tears my rear neck muscles up. Eyeglasses have a lot to do with this, as the focal point is dead-ahead, so I have to crane my whole noggin down to see clearly. This all creates headaches by referring pain to my scalp and, strangely, sinuses and eye sockets. I might be okay with looking down past my nose with bifocals, reading glasses, or contacts as the illustration shows, but here we are.

    I’m in an in-between camp because of the above. Good posture, chin up, looking dead ahead to an elevated screen through glasses. This also works in the standing position too.

  • That’s not too far off from the truth. Viruses hijack your cells’ machinery to reproduce. Some are choosy about which cells/tissues they target, but some are not.

    Fever, histamine, a whole slew of different immune mechanisms all cooperate to tackle these invaders. In turn, our immune system also provides a lot of strong evolutionary pressure on these bugs, which spurs high mutation rates like we’ve seen with COVID. What I find fascinating is that, over time, a lot of viruses have evolved to take advantage of our habits and behaviors including leaning into our immune response(s). The common cold (rhinovirus) is a good example here as it causes just enough sneezing in social settings to propagate, but is not aggressive enough to kill the host or keep you bedridden. Norovirus is another one, opting to incubate for a bit, then overwhelm the host with a big mess, and finally leaving you feeling a-okay to socialize while still being contagious (in the grossest way possible).

    And the icing on the cake? Some cells survive to incorporate viral DNA into that cell’s genetic code, while still being perfectly healthy. Human DNA is littered with many such encodings, suggesting we all carry the genetic memory of some ancient pandemics.

    Edit: the Anime “Cells at Work” is a very fun romp into this world. Highly recommended.