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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • The fact that this scenario literally never happened didn’t stop the Supreme Court from ruling to strip protections away from the LGBTQ community.

    They did the same thing with the praying football coach. Ruling on the lies as facts in the case even after they were refuted. Actions suited for a kangaroo court. How shameful.


    "Under the real facts of Kennedy’s case, Kennedy violated the Constitution.

    The Lemon case, which the Court overruled in Kennedy, held that the government’s actions “must have a secular legislative purpose,” that their “principal or primary effect must be one that neither advances nor inhibits religion,” and that the government may not “foster ‘an excessive government entanglement with religion.’”

    A public school official conducting a very public prayer during the course of his official duties as a government employee clearly violates this Lemon test."

  • I have done the same. Cut sugar drastically, work out almost everyday and try to make myself uncomfortable whilst working out so I am more comfortable under load in the world. Also to prep this olde body for the next decade. Far better overall to start 10-yrs earlier than later.

    I have a home gym now, but back when I was trying to solidify my workout habits I had to will myself to workout as I passed the gym on the way home from work. Wanna race home to party? No, go workout. Feeling lackluster? Doesn’t matter, workout. That extra push I gave myself back then worked (and felt great) and now I strive to get that workout in and feel bad if I don’t.

  • I would think it’s still not really healthy to load up on sugar even if you burn all those calories off. Overdoing it on sugar has some negative effects over the long haul and you gotta mix in some healthy foods too. I try and keep intake below 40 grams/day. The less the better.