Thanks, I hate it
I’m at my third type of medication and still no difference. At least I’m not absolutely drained as on first one but yet to see a positive impact. Yes, I’m diagnosed.
Oh look, the worst possible outcome
I wonder if it has anything to do with alphabetical order… No, that’s not it
Those are some nice reprint but I don’t dig the artstyle of Duskmourn. Except for couple of cool monsters it’s meh to me. Same here
An amazing name with an amazing art for a flying 2/3
I love artwork from older D&D books. BG3 fanservice is meh for me but oh boi that art from AD&D just hits different
They always buy the brand or patents and that’s all.
Least controversial artist
Starting? It’s been couple of years now since they opened the flood gates of new products
At least Mystery Booster is first and foremost reprints. There’s never too much reprints
Didn’t you hear? D&D is Baldur’s Gate now
Urza’s saga is like 75% text and they decided to make a text-less promo? As weird of a choice as with Cryptic Command
Oooh nice. I prefer this art
What else could he say to not be thrown out? Dude works at Microsoft