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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • In short, no.

    The water needs to he hot enough to extract the optimal flavour from the tea fast enough. If you leave it longer, the bitter, oil based flavours start to come out excessively.

    This was actually a noted problem for Victorian (British) explorers. They couldn’t brew a proper cup of (black) tea up a mountain! I believe there were also patents issued, at the time, for tea brewing pressure vessels!

    Basically, you want the water as hot as possible, but not so hot it scolds the leaf. Black tea doesn’t scold (at normal water temperatures), so is brewed at 95°C+. Green tea scolds at around 80, so needs cooler water. White tea is even lower, again. By around 60°C your into stewing temperatures. You’ll get a lot more oils compared to flavour. You want to have your tea leaves out by this point.

    You also want to avoid agitating the leaves. Stiring, or squeezing the leaves tends to ruin the flavour. You know you’ve completely F’ed up a cup of tea if it has an oily scum floating on the top.

  • In almost all cases the point is to keep things reversible. The problem is puberty. Once the hormone cascades hit, it’s far harder to transition. At the same time, fully transitioning is not something many children are equipped to cope with.

    Luckily there is a 3rd option. Puberty can be delayed without permanent issues. This gives the patient and doctors time to figure out what to do long term. If they were confused, they stop the drugs, and puberty happens normally. If they truly want to transition, they are in a far better position to change than if they experienced puberty as the “wrong” gender.

    By delaying the changes, it allows time for them to process what they want. It also lets them experience living as the other gender, in a reversible manner.

  • I would suspect it’s low information voters.

    Anyone who pays attention, and isn’t part of his cult, realises how bad trump is. Unfortunately, a lot of voters just don’t pay attention. To them, they seem mud slinging in both directions, and just tune it out.

    A felony conviction is a different beast. It’s not just mud slinging. If he’s been convicted, it’s not just smoke, he’s a bad man!

    There’s a reason that the right pushes the “both sides” mentality. This just managed to cut past the smoke screen that they threw up. Whether it sticks is another story.

  • The problem is they fit TOO well. We struggle to get either relativity or QM to deviate significantly close to their “realms”. However, neither predicts the existence of the other, and are incompatible in basic ideas about reality.

    Basically, we know they don’t align, but we can’t access the middle area, and we can’t find any useful cracks to pry at within the accessible areas. It’s been driving physicists up the wall for decades.

  • What’s really screwy is you can force light to only travel as a evanescent wave. It’s completely undetectable without a second interaction, but light must transmit energy using the purely imaginary part of the complex wave.

    The imaginary component definitely has some physical meaning, it’s not just a useful mathematical trick.

  • A desert is a very different environment to “normal”. Nievly you would think solar would be better.


    • A lot more sand means a lot more cleaning, one of the few ongoing costs of solar.

    • Sand is ablative. A sand storm will scratch and erode the surface of the panel. This will reduce its efficiency.

    • Sandstorms can darken the sky. A lot of direct light can be lost to a sandstorm.

    • Solar panels don’t work well when hot. Deserts are generally quite hot, when the sun is shining.

    • Solder joints don’t like thermal stresses. The panels, ultimately need wiring together. The joints (cell to cell, and cell to wire) don’t like thermal stresses. Deserts get cold at night, and hot during the day. A lot more panels than normal will be lost to failed electrical connections.

    Wind, on the other hand, does well in a large open area. The only additional effects of sand would be blade ablation, and sand in moving parts. Both of these are easier to counter.