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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Everyone has a unique identifier. If you don’t share that with anyone, how would they know who’s vote it is? Couldn’t the number be randomized and a new UUID provided on a routine basis?

    Every American has a Social Security number, but it’s not exactly like we’re told to broadcast it to the world… I don’t see why something like that couldn’t be implemented here using technology.

    My point is the general ledger technology of the blockchain which would be beneficial here.

    But of course this is all a pipe dream. America is damn near a Kleptocracy and both political parties have written laws to prevent a third political party from ever arising.

  • I’d love to see that happen, But it’s because America won’t switch to a direct democracy. Instead we have a Kleptocracy run by corporations and the 1% who have power over both parties in America. However if it were possible to create a third political party where every member of the party earns only one vote maybe it would give people power back over corporations. But it’s a pipe dream, I know it’ll never happen.

  • I personally envision a future where we use blockchain technology to create a new direct democracy party in which every member has a unique identifier and the blockchain ledger system used to track polling data. Every individual member of the party would have one vote in each poll at ever level (federal, state, regional, etc) - for every single thing that gets a vote, and the elected politician representing that party would be required to vote based on the polling data.

    Everyone would have access to a copy of the ledger to confirm their votes are counted accurately, and they can review polling data to confirm their elected politicians are voting based on polling data, and the representative would be replaced if they do not adhere to the results

  • Yeah, but foraging for wild mushrooms is something y’all are taught from a very young age. You’re taught what kinds are safe to eat, and what ones to absolutely avoid. I highly doubt anyone with a scientific background would just randomly eat mushrooms without positive identifications.

    Given that this is Russia, he probably refused to stand near any windows and had an affinity for wild mushrooms so someone took advantage of the situation lol

  • I was in higher education for ten years. I paid my way through using a combination of private savings, and eventually my father convinced my boss to pay for my education if he wanted me to work full time (I was a REALLY good employee at his small business). I fortunately graduated debt-free unlike most of my peers.

    Yes, I worked my way through, and I “earned” my degree the hard way (I made my boss millions through my own hard work for his company so I earned that degree).

    But, I still 100% support any kind of student debt relief for everyone struggling to pay off student debt. It’s called wanting a better life for my fellow human. That money in their wallet would be better spent in the local economy, not paid to some mega bank corporation swallowing up interest on student debt.

    I guess I just have compassion for my fellow human being over some ruthless corporation.

  • Who do you think writes the medical textbooks handed out to med students? Part of the scam is in the training how and what to prescribe. Many doctors will treat the symptoms while ignoring the cause. A proper healthy diet and exercise could cure a lot of things, but that’s not profitable advice to give.

    I know a woman who spent years fighting a bunch of skin problems and other issues, visiting all kinds of doctors. Finally she figured it out herself. She had turned herself entirely “vegan” for probably a decade or longer, choosing to forgo all meat, especially red meat. Guess what fixed her big issues? Eating a small filet of steak several times a month - her blood type and genetics required something that she was lacking in all her other vitamins/minerals/etc intake. Not saying eating red meat every day is good for the average person either, but just one example where her condition stumped doctors for several years before she chased down a wild theory herself and it worked.