• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I do a fair bit of freelance and also access a lot of client networks remotely or using their hardware. I have my own licence for ms365 as well on my own hardware.

    Teams just doesn’t know what the fuck it’s doing. It holds on to old accounts from years ago but doesn’t recall my own, active account. It behaves in the app sometimes but a lot of the time the browser option is the only viable way. It can’t work out that I have a webcam most of the time.

    Almost all meetings I have begin with me being 2-3 minutes late and messaging them that teams is being a fuck. And they all laugh knowingly, because everyone literally expects it.

    It is the buggiest most unpredictable piece of shit that I have to use almost daily, and almost exclusively with government clients who often have their own weird on prem custom version. I hate it with every atom in my body.

  • Sportsball is kinda a shit term - you don’t have to like sports and yes society venerates it over far more important achievements/pursuits, but it’s a bit childish to refer to it in that way.

    My theory is that a lot of that kind of poor behaviour is generally from men who have grown up with the toxic masculinity traits of believing that sad is bad, angry is manly. I’ve seen people openly weep over the outcomes of a game - I think these people are feeling the same emotions but haven’t been given the societal permission to express it in its true form. So they do angry instead. It’s not acceptable at all but that’s what I think the reason is.

  • I’ve heard this phenomenon. That us Aussies go over there, especially to the south and are shocked at how cheerful ppl are with their small chat and how you goings as compared to here where we’re less inclined to strike up a conversation with a random.

    But then I’ve had American friends explain that it’s all surface. That smiling yank agrees with Trump or reports their neighbours to the HOA for having grass over a centimetre high, or wants to go back to the good old days when the blacks knew their place.

    Half the country wants Trump back. Fuck that.

  • Keep the day job for now and start volunteering what time you can spare to a cause that resonates with you.

    That might be the night time soup kitchen, or planting trees with your local working bee, or companionship sessions with the local nursing home. You may find an idea for a vocation reveals itself, and be in a position to hear about any opportunities.

    Lefty friendly and community work are pretty well aligned so I think that’s a start.

    I feel you re IT and related industries. I just want to close my laptop and never open it again, but it’s not an option right now.

  • Used to work in digital design. By pure happenstance the foundational initial team on a major project was all women and we recognised that wasn’t a good balance in terms of external perception but also in terms of getting different perspectives on design approaches.

    We managed to recruit some great blokes, but they were hard to find. So many of the new dudes didn’t work out because it was so obvious how inferior they perceived us women to be. Very few of them had the skills to warrant any level of arrogance, let alone full blown superiority complex.

    It was disappointing.

  • Wounds heal poorly for smokers. People who smoke after getting a tooth extraction can get dry socket.

    I know someone who ate some rancid food, and was subsequently very, very unwell because they literally couldn’t taste or smell that it was off.

    It affects your cardiovascular health so good luck outrunning danger.

    Everything is worse if you smoke, in real time and in terms of what it does to your body’s ability to heal or respond to trauma.

    Don’t smoke. And if you do, try and quit.

  • In the, admittedly terrible, movie Moonfall (2022) they use his tech and one of the main characters keeps saying things like “God I love Elon”. I guess it was under development in years previous but we long knew that he was a babyish edgelord (see behaviour over the rescue of the Thai soccer team in 2018).

    Seems shortsighted to make him such a focus.