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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • Come on, you said that you are not a liar? When I found how many lies you said. Remember the post about republicans? Where you were able to point 20 bag things about democrats instead? Only to point a link that you didn’t read? And the worse parte was that you were pointing at the name just because it was about a confederate… but i repeat, without reading what it was about?

    Nice fallacy though. I mean at least I never said what you always claim that I said, but you on the other hand, did. So don’t lie

  • The fallacy won’t land because remeber, you don’t even know how to read like you did wirh the issue about the democrats.

    I am not mad I am just pointing out that your fallacy is bad because you lack the understanding what you read. And that is what makes you angry.

    So vark whatever you want, it won’t change the fact that you defend the republicans while screaming bOtH sIdEs, and I never said that you claim I said just because you don’t understand what you read like with the democrats behind something with a really bad name, that you claim it was bad but didn’t try to read what it was about because of your ignorance