What are you - paneuropean? Yikes.
What are you - paneuropean? Yikes.
The drone murders didn’t find much sympathy here but thanks to most of our media’s, uh… “transatlantic engagement” the topic didn’t get too much publicity.
Because wars are for the profit of the people, right? The people of Ukraine will be busy for half a century or more paying back the US already.
The actual news is that DW parrots the German governments opinion. Which isn’t really news either. I dare say that the population in Germany has been “somewhat ambivalent” about the benevolence of US foreign politics for quite a while.
In other news: rain mostly wet, nights darker than days, state leaders neither honest nor sharpest knives in drawers…
Well, he actually is new to being part of a government…
What the hell is a government doing using someone else’s cloud?
Fucking up everything. Thar’s what governments do for a living,
Merz doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but himself, iMO.
Fake news. Nero did not burn Rome. Nor was he actually crazy or fanatically prosecuting Christians. Nero was mostly smeared by his successor’s family who also happened to have him assassinated and needed at least nominal justification for their coup d’etat. Not even they caimed, however, that Nero set the city on fire. This urban legend mostly was spread by 1950s Hollywood dramatizations of “history”.