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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • Why do you need to call him something if it’s inaccurate? Just call him a child rapist and be done with it. Words have meanings and there is no reason to use them incorrectly.

    As for who it’s hurting: everyone. Pedophila literally has nothing to do with rape. It is a disorder. It’s estimated it effects as much as 3% of the population. The vast majority of those people have never done anything wrong. They were simply born that way. The more people conflate the medical term with crimes the less likely pedophiles are going to seek help or treatment. Nobody wants to risk being outed as part of the most hated group of people on the planet.

    If you want to actually help children instead of being angry the best course of action is to destigmatize the disorder so people can get counseling without fear of ruining their lives. Forcing people to bottle up their feelings/urges/etc. does not lead to good outcomes.

  • You can tell Act 3 had the least amount of polish put into it. Act 1 and 2 feel very carefully and intentionally designed. You can tell they planned everything out. Act 3 feels like it was rushed and they had to make a lot of compromises.

    The pacing is the most obvious thing but there’s also stuff like why is Gortash, the literal ruler of the city, being sworn into power in a random fort in the lower city instead of you know… the actual castle?

  • Yeah I had to double check as well. It actually does elaborate.

    “AMDGPU PRO OpenCL - used because Mesa OpenCL is not fully complete. Proprietary component only for Polaris GPUs. The onward GPUs use the open ROCm OpenCL.”

    So for anything newer than the RX 500 series (anything after 2017) it doesn’t matter for OpenCL it seems.

    From what I can gather the OpenCL stack used to be proprietary, but they decided to open source it when ROCm came along. So the Pro driver used to be more important and now it’s really only necessary for AMF since the Vulkan and OpenGL portions are straight up worse than mesa.

  • Those kinds of apps took off in other places because SMS was expensive, but in the US there has been cheap and/or unlimited SMS for a couple of decades now. So people had no reason to use anything else. That means when iMessage came along and transparently covered up SMS it became the standard.

    It is especially bad for teenagers where the iPhone has almost 90% market share. If you are a teen using Android with 9 friends, chances are literally all of them are on iMessage. Good luck trying to convince all 9 of them to install another app just for you. Apple’s indoctrination marketing is so powerful that kids are actually bullied for not having an iPhone.