his tweeter account
his tweeter account
+90000000 uncounted reposts places like here
You didn’t raise your pitchfork high enough and yell loud enough so the extremists in the group are attacking you for being a traitor to their group even tho you’re on the same side. Happens in any political group on any side whether dictator antifa whatever. If your outward appearance isn’t 100% For, they forcefully Align you until they are comfortable with you. Notice how you are now trying to adjust your words to be acceptable. I’ve seen it everywhere and still find it annoying so at this point i just block. Anyway, human nature; it isn’t always enjoyable.
7 more to go
Cute! Too bad it’s one of those companies maximizing profit for the shareholders at the expense of health and, instead of healthy ingredients, it’s cancer
funny the hugely negative response toward unusual colors! :)
i think the packaging and theme is cute. :)
for comparison my day was cute and fun cuz i made unicorn art UwU UwU :)