I think this is the same carbon emissions : just split differently. Shell consumers are the very same citizens. Also 16tons is huge, even compared to other developed countries in Europe for example (almost twice as much !)
I think this is the same carbon emissions : just split differently. Shell consumers are the very same citizens. Also 16tons is huge, even compared to other developed countries in Europe for example (almost twice as much !)
Je n’ai jamais trop compris comment est évalué le revenu des agriculteurs.C’est genre l’argent qu’il leur reste une fois payés les engins agricoles, la voiture de l’exploitation et son carburant, etc… Donc après qu’une partie des charges est payée, que l’épargne/investissement est financée, etc. U’ peu comme de l’argent de poche. Ou je me goure ?
Works perfectly on Linux.Just run rustup.
You don’t realize to what point ! These few last weeks have been crazy in France and any point of view not aligned with the worse Israel right wing extremists has been attacked as antisemitic… A really sad period for France (BTW, I am French)
There were massive destruction weapons in Iraq. Or not ? How to know who you should believe ?
Or maybe there will never be peace until Israeli people stop voting for right wing religious and nationalistic extremists ? Really, this country has gone worse and worse since Rabin was murdered… 😥
Ça ressemble à une traduction mot à motextrêmement maladroite de quelqu’un dont le français ne serait pas la mangue maternelle… (sans offence,mais vraiment’ c’est pourri). Je suis allé voir sur le GDT, les québécois sont habitués à devoir trouver des traductions pertinentes. Ils proposent “verrou d’accès payant” ou “péage”…
Muer de paie, sérieux ? Péage peut-être ?
Well, ten minutes by car probably means he could gobwith a bicycle !