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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • Attachment to either party is waning among younger voters. A plurality (41%) of them call themselves independents.

    I swear this is a generational thing. Silent Gen were rebellious bastards, boomers were not, gen x are rebellious bastards, millennials are not, gen z going with being rebellious bastards totally checks out .

    My old gen x ass is 100% with you my little dudes/dudettes… Gotta fight for your right to party ;)

  • Regardless of where you stand on the matter of trump-putin, this has been the narrative for almost a decade, so trotting it back out kinda seems a little tired.

    It’s also a little silly that even with all the dragging this shit back out to beat a dead ass horse, there’s zero mention of trump, in an interview, claiming he’d end the Russia Ukraine issue overnight… I’d personally say that’s of much greater relevance than trying to subtly imply financial relations or even the little hint of blackmail she went for.

    There’s only one way you end that shit overnight… You hand Ukraine over to Russia.

    There’s plenty of people that wouldn’t vote for that… You wanna talk trump-putin in an attempt to influence votes, that’s the sound bite ya want.

  • Your question would be much better applied to height discrimination, which is something that’s almost never mentioned, but is a lot more indicative of the nature of discrimination itself.

    It is instinctual, as others have said, but it has nothing to do with tribalism or war, its about resources. Discrimination is almost always about resources (the notable exception being gender/orientation based discrimination, which I guess is religious?).

    The discrimination against small people (and obesity and age as well), is more basic, and likely older (in evolutionary terms), and is oriented towards hunting and fighting. We think less of smaller, fatter, and older people because they’re assumed to be less capable of gathering (and fighting for or defending) basic resources.

    Discrimination against races is more recent, and more societal, and is more about monetary resources, and isn’t even entirely a matter of race. Poor white people can be discriminated against in the exact same way for the exact same reasons. Racism is more classist than discrimination against height, weight age, etc. but is essentially still a matter of these classes being seen as less capable of getting resources.

    You can see it more easily if you look objectively at the discriminatory tendencies of women (and I mean that in a very generalized way). They tend to be far more discriminatory towards resource based biases… Height, weight, physical condition… They’re often inexplicably attracted to overly aggressive partners, occasionally to their own detriment. The more instinctual a woman is, the more likely to pursue the overly aggressive men. Race isn’t anywhere near as much a factor, and there are notable exceptions in all factors for women if a man obviously has a lot of resources already (no indictment intended ladies, just is what it is, and generally)

    And of course it’s more obvious among women for the same reason… The disparity (again, in a very general sense) between male and female in ability to gather and defend resources affects women’s choices of partners more so than men.

  • I’d say that it’s not a good path to tread to have courts deciding who can and can’t be on the ballot, however, in this particular case, it was put to the voters, and these guys knew the rule when they broke it, so c’est la vie

    As for their argument, I’d say go with it… Let them run, let them get elected, then bar them for the term… That’s actually how the wording works out… Theyre correct that they can technically run, but it’s pretty specific about being unable to seve the term.

    Fuck around and let a district go unrepresented for a term because legislators wanna play the “well ackshually” game, and the voters will sort that shit right out.

  • Biden deserves some political reward for this good news, given that Donald Trump and many in his party…

    Fucking election year, everybody fire up the spin. I hate politics :/

    This is wildly better than whatever shit the repub propaganda machine is gonna fart out though, so I reckon I’ll be avoiding Facebook and YouTube for a bit ;)

  • Fair point…

    Ya know, in '94 I was stationed in Korea, they had bars off base that catered to us military, and they had “juicy girls”, which were basically just women who went around looking for simps to buy them an orange juice for $20 (and they were pretty successful at it).

    Anyways, most of the bars had one bathroom. You’d go in there and use the urinal and occasionally one of the girls would walk right in and use the stall.

    It was weird as hell, but only once… After the initial “wtf” time, it was just meh, whatever, the OB beer’s cheap enough :)

    It’s not actually that serious…