a_party_german [comrade/them]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 16th, 2021


  • Living in Germany in kinda bizarre in this regard - every week, there’s a new “spy ring busted” or “drones flying over NATO bases” or now this knife attack. Weirdly enough it’s always “federal police” and “media investigations” that discover those dastard affairs, and the government is always silent, and two weeks later the suspects are released and nobody follows up on the story, except that there’s a general “Russians spies are all around us!” atmosphere in parts of the population. Many don’t care, or have succumbed to the “Russia wants a war with us” atmosphere, at least that’s the vibes I’m picking up.

    Sorry for all the quotations marks, this is a purely vibes-based analysis.

    And to quote a fellow shitposter here some time ago: It’s the German years of lead - the years of Kraut kelly

  • I guess someone finally realised that Russia didn’t blow up the Nordstream.

    Kraut interpreter here, this has - at least officially - very little to do with Nordstream, there is still no public discussion about the issue, MSM suppressing it any way they can.

    1. Ukraine aid being withheld is officially about the “deficit brake”. Imagine if the Republicans made it a law that the deficit can’t be increased, and the Democrats slavishly obeyed that rule. It’s kinda like that in Germany right now, and it makes absolutely no economic sense for one of the “biggest economies in the world” (in name at least), ever. But it’s being observed.
    2. There’s several local elections coming up in the East, where Russia-friendly AfD and patsocs are expected to win big. The governing parties are struggling to even be elected, since there’ a 5% hurdle to jump into the governing bodies, and even the “mass party” SPD can’t be sure to do that, lol. The Ukraine aid issue is seen as a little boost for the locals, and might be reversed after the elctions are done in October.
    3. like I said, the Nordstream issue is still blocked out entirely. There’s a dribble of reporting here and there, but always only for 1-2 days, and always according to the official governing line, about how a bunch of rogue Ukrainians blew up a pipeline nobody wanted or needed. There’s no discussion why Germany invested at least $10 billion into the project, or why there is an economic crisis ever since we decided Russian gas was evil. It’s always the “global economic situation”, or the “consequences of Russia’s brutal war of aggression”. Be glas you don’t have to live in this country, it’s maddening at times.

    Hope this illustrates the workings behind that decision, feel free to ask questions.