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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2024


  • It adds liquidity and that does more good than bad for everyone, whether you’re a retail investor looking to enter or exit a position without facing a hefty ‘tax’ from a wide bid-ask spread, or you’re managing an ETF and need to dump 300k shares of something while rebalancing.

    Without HFT a lot of tickers would look like options and futures contracts - no volume, wide spreads, and rife with abuse from people walking orders up and down

  • “All-cause mortality” simply means death from all (or any) causes.

    So for smokers, you got a buttload of people with this thing in common, and rather than look specifically at something like deaths from lung cancer, you take a step back and look at deaths from anything. And then go in and try to find correlations and help to understand those correlations.

    It’s kind of a chicken and egg scenario, because some of those causes might not be from smoking, but from a person’s proclivity to smoke.

    For example, smokers might possibly be more impulsive than non-smokers (generally speaking) and there might be a higher risk of motor vehicle fatalities in the smoker group, but the cause wouldn’t be smoking, it’d be underlying behavioral differences that would make someone more likely to smoke.

    It’s basically looking at mortality from a distance as opposed to looking at very specific things up close (but with the data it lets people zoom in on everything)

  • key word is ‘or’. You can be President if you’re a natural born citizen, and they’re suggesting that in order to be a natural born citizen one must prove that at some point in their family’s history, two citizens produced offspring on each side of the family.

    Which is absolutely bonkers because there are probably a hundred million white people in America that have no fucking clue if their great-great-great grandparents or great-great-great-great grandparents obtained citizenship. Someone’s citizenship is illegitimate until proven otherwise with this kind of reasoning. We’re gonna need a bigger prison system lol, maybe convert the western half of Iowa into an open-air detention center? The implications are hilarious to me