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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Great list. In my area, I only need to avoid Maxi and Provigo.

    There are so many small “dépanneurs” and specialty grocery stores.

    They all have amaizing deals on their niche products:

    • rice, lentils, dehydrated beans, spices, chili, bitter gourd >>>> indian store
    • rice, sauces, noodles, mushroom, fish/seafood, daikon >>>> asian store
    • beans, spices, coconut, plantain, okra, eddo leaf >>>> jamaican store
    • arabic, latin american, senegalese, etc. grocery stores in addition to bakeries, fish mongers, butcher shops, etc.

    Every speciaty store has their own fresh produces from typical fruits and vegetables we see everywhere to uniques ones found nowhere else.

  • This is beautifully familiar.

    Am I seeing too many similarities between how Twitter/X was taken over and singlehandedly being irreversibly ruined?

    While Windows is stubbornly becoming increasingly user-adversarial (advertising, constant intrusive updates, forced transition from your favorite browser to Microsoft Edge, etc.) and unintuitive (sometimes even counter intuitive) interface design, placement and inaccessible settings.

    Well, delighting in schadenfreude, I won’t complain. Microsoft is inadvertently helping me help transition many friends, family and colleagues to various flavors of Linux systems, namely Linux Mint (whichever desktop they prefer) and/or Pop!OS most of the time, but also occasionally Fedora or a particular flavor of Ubuntu.

    I never recommend Arch or rolling release systems or immutable systems to first time Linux user so as to preemptively avoid additional layers of complexity, learning curve, downtime and troubleshooting.

  • Pour ce qui est du coût, on est déjà prêt à payer des sommes faramineuses pour les enterrer à quintuple sécurité (et plus encore) aussi profondément qu’envisageable sous terre et continuer de payer le maintien des lieux ainsi que de la sécurité pour les siècles à venir.

    Malheureusement, c’est vrai que la technologie utilisée pour atteindre l’orbite terrestre est une «bombe contrôlée» (énergie sous forme chimique) qui tend à exploser catastrophiquement. Je n’ai pas les qualifications pour évaluer la faisabilité de ma proposition avec les technologies existantes. Il se peut que l’idée ne soit possible avec les contraintes de sécurité requis qu’avec des technologies futures.

    Cependant, avec les technologies actuelles, pour éviter les dérapages incontrôlés dû à une explosion on peut se limiter à envoyer des quantités minimales dans un contenant/coffre/cercueil suffisamment étanche et capable de survivre à une/des explosions (ou la pire situation que les ingénieurs peuvent imaginer) et de le récupérer sans fuite/contamination dans l’environnement suite à l’incident.

    De plus, ce n’est pas comme si on n’envoie pas déjà de matières nucléaires en orbites ou sur d’autre planète, par example les batteries dite «RTG» sont fréquemment utilisés dans l’espace.

  • Xavier@lemmy.catoFediverse@lemmy.worldBluesky opens to public registration
    7 months ago

    I’ll skip. Just like how I skipped AOL, MySpace, LiveJournal, 4Chan, Friendster, Hi5, Orkut, Bebo, Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, Blogger, Google+, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Quora, Twitch, YouTube, Vine, Netflix, OkCupid, Tinder, Grindr, Bumble, Discord, TikTok… oh all of the Apple ecosystem, and many other I missed by being oblivious or simply never heard of…

    I liked the Slashdot, Digg, Reddit and now the Lemmy format/style. Will continue to move on to whatever I find stupid simple and publicly accessible I guess. I am naturally lazy, advertisement averse and hate having to provide personal info just to use something non-governmental or non-essential.

    Now, with the increasing prevalence of LLM based bots, I will probably ineluctably reduce my time spent posting anything (I certainly hope it doesn’t get that bad, only time will tell) on any kind of “social media” and focus on current and new family, friends, coworkers, colleagues and acquaintances.

  • Pourquoi pas la lune? On prévoit y établir une base permanente pour les voyage futurs plus distants (Mars, Ceinture principale d’astéroïdes, lunes de Jupiter).

    Si jamais on retournait au moyen âge par négligence (3ème Guerre Mondiale, Changement Climatique, accident nucléaire/biologique grave, etc.) ou juste naturellement (pandémie plus sérieuse, volcanisme, astéroïde, etc.) on pourrait garantir que même si les déchets nucléaires était oubliés, ils ne seront accessible qu’à ceux ayant les connaissances, la coopération et la prudence d’atteindre l’orbite terrestre et la lune de manière contrôlée sans périr en chemin. Ainsi, ayant les connaissance technique pour détecter/remédier à des déchets nucléaires

    Notez que la lune n’est qu’un exemple proche, on pourrait tout-à-fait dédier une astéroïde ou même une orbite de rebut parmi les trajectoires héliocentriques.

  • The essential part at the end:

    “ When reached for comment, Reddit spokesperson Tim Rathschmidt directed me to Reddit’s API FAQ page and said the company couldn’t comment further because it’s in a quiet period and doesn’t “comment on confidential business conversations and/or agreements.” ”

    We can infer that it was not the fountain of money they thought it would become.

    More telling is their silence. Who doesn’t want to promote and advertise how profitable they are to potential shareholders just before an IPO.

  • Wow, asbestos pipes, that’s something new I learned today…

    Total genius move by whomever designed it and the organization that approved/certified it for human potable water use.

    How am I still surprised by these things, long ago we once thought lead pipes were perfect for moving/transporting potable water (apparently, one of the many things that contributed to the collapse of the Roman Empire).

    Nowadays, high density polyethylene pipes are selling like hotcakes and certified for potable water use. Will we find, in a few decades, that micro-plastics are more prevalent than expected and cause innumerable long term health issues? Hence, the new thing to avoid like the Black Plague.

    What is wrong with plain old copper pipes, outside of just being expensive due to low supply vs huge demand? (I may have missed the news on how they too affect health)

  • Thank you for this excellent writeup.

    A lot of mistakes/repercussions was readily documented beforehand and could have been avoided by proper regulations (even by not removing sane ones such as the Glass–Steagall legislation).

    Moreover, Climate Change is affecting a larger and larger part of the stochastic increases in instability: from extreme localized weather and regional aberration to global temperature anomaly affecting every part of the planet differently.

    However, we live in a world whereas bombastic contrarians are lauded, even elevated to positions of power or at the center of important decision making processes. No wonder we keep being surprised by avoidable disasters.

  • Unfortunately, the solutions are fairly easy but it would be political suicide for anyone who would even dare to actually propose anything that would ruffle the feathers of the vested interests, the powerful or (God forbid /s) the wealthiest 10%, or the “untouchable” 0.1%.

    Simplify/Regularize the tax code by eliminating all ambiguity :

    • by removing exceptions and loopholes for corporation and individuals (it only helps the wealthy with “top gun” accountants to “legally” avoid/reduce taxes).
    • pre-filled tax declaration should be expanded or made automatic for every individuals with simple tax situations (they should not be worrying about taxes and tax credits when their income in lower than a inflation indexed preset treshold)
    • make everyone’s tax information public or accessible for every citizens similar to Tax transparency in Finland (PDF) it helps prevent/detect/reduce social inequalities and keep every one accountable toward each others
    • exclude tax filling softwares and companies whom have vested interest in making tax declarations as complex and as unintelligible as possible by lobbying government
    • increase financing and auditing of Canada Revenue Agency to help better pursue, prosecute and recover wealth hidden in tax Havens, or create a new separate branch of the CRA tasked exclusively to handle corporate tax shenanigans/evasion and deep pocketed individuals

    This is a partial, but relevant, copy of one of my previous post (check my post history for the original long post).

  • Unfortunately, the solutions are fairly easy but it would be political suicide for anyone who would even dare to actually propose anything that would ruffle the feathers of the vested interests, the powerful or (God forbid /s) the wealthiest 10%, or the “untouchable” 0.1%.

    On one side Simplify/Regularize the tax code by eliminating all ambiguity :

    • by removing exceptions and loopholes for corporation and individuals (it only helps the wealthy with “top gun” accountants to “legally” avoid/reduce taxes).
    • pre-filled tax declaration should be expanded or made automatic for every individuals with simple tax situations (they should not be worrying about taxes and tax credits when their income in lower than a inflation indexed preset treshold)
    • make everyone’s tax information public or accessible for every citizens similar to Tax transparency in Finland (PDF) it helps prevent/detect/reduce social inequalities and keep every one accountable toward each others
    • exclude tax filling softwares and companies whom have vested interest in making tax declarations as complex and as unintelligible as possible by lobbying government
    • increase financing and auditing of Canada Revenue Agency to help better pursue, prosecute and recover wealth hidden in tax Havens, or create a new separate branch of the CRA tasked exclusively to handle corporate tax shenanigans/evasion and deep pocketed individuals

    On the other side, beyond the well meaning but hastily half-baked (I am unqualified to properly evaluate such plan) Canada’s Housing Action Plan, we should create a long term Strategic Urbanization and Cooperative Housing Fund somewhat akin to the Strategic Innovation Fund whereas :

    • local-first sustainability, durability, climate change mitigation/adaptation and energy efficiency are prioritized and audited/inspected for renovations and all new future developments
    • refrain housing from switching owners too frequently (control exaggerated speculation) or make public a historical record of all inspections reports, renovations, purchase price, owners and in case of an auction make the bidding process, name and amount of bidder transparent to all participants (better overall)
    • limit to let’s say 3 to 6 (anything beyond 10 becomes onerous) the numbers of residential building/house/condominium/apartment complex/senior housing/long-term care home a corporation, partnership or a individual can own/manage. 67000 homes owned and managed by a single entity is far beyond reasonable.
    • (not a immediate priority, but crucial for the future of Canada) help set up a publicly accessible, interoperable, provincially and municipally controlled and constantly evolving : 5 years/10 years/25 years/50 years/100 years/200 years development roadmaps of natural, public, private and industrial lands/sectors/infrastructures/housing. Doing so will ensure everyone is on the same page with what is happening and what are proposed to happen in their neighborhood within their and their childrens lifetime. Everyone, from scientists to farmers, from residents to international students, from local business owners to local homeless, should be able to submit justified concerns/updates/changes/refusals to any future proposals/projects. Likewise, project proponents should be able to convince, demonstrate, allay, include, update, justifiably dismiss or preallocate equitable compensation publicly. By the time the yearly roadmap is on its way, anything without consensus or majority approval should be reported into the future or rejected, thus no surprise should remain (excepting a archeological/historical discovery or unforeseen dangers/accidents during excavation/construction/renovation).

    Well that became more of a long winded exasperation on my part…

    But thank you for reading my probably pointless TedTalk®©™ 🤣

  • Man, is this seriously going turn into into the Iraq has WMD boondoggle/fiasco:

    “Secretary of State Colin Powell gave a presentation to the UN on February 5, 2003, in which he detailed false intelligence gatherings provided by the Israeli government regarding Iraqi WMD.”

    Source 1: Senate Report on Iraqi WMD Intelligence

    Source 2: Israel knew Iraq had no WMD, says MP

    I forgot it was Israeli Intelligence source back then 🤔. I only remember Bush insisting there are WMDs and Colin Powell’s declaration at the UN. All of it was proven fake of course, and 20 years later it has become the biggest and most expensive Intelligence blunder.

    Hopefully, I am wrong and we were smarter to verify everything before repeating the same reckless mistake.

    I try to not comment on controversial issues particularly when I don’t have any qualification or first hand knowledge/experience, however this is looking more and more like an unmitigated overreaction.

  • All these first-past-the-post voting systems (here in Canada too it’s a problem) need to be relegated to a bygone era, it’s so bad that even placings names on a board and throwing darts blindfolded for every MP positions would probably give a better and more representative outcome.

    Welp… it will probably be after something akin to world war 3 that we (the ones luckily still alive) would all sit down and set out to fix the many obvious and perhaps not so obvious issues with governance, lack of immediate consequence to lying, independently peer reviewed education system absent of political/religious/vested/private interest or influence, broken taxation system enabling billionaires, the lack of thorough independent study of environmental or health concerns before even granting any permit (problems tend to always be discovered long after it was commercialised/contructed/).

    Sad to see the state of affairs in every country 😰😱, nevertheless just as we can see/imagine/iterate/improve our ideas of what each one of us would consider better systems, we should implement, test, cross pollinate, evaluate (scientifically, quantitatively and qualitatively) and keep what works better than before and reject/shun/disqualify what obviously causes issues or collateral damages.

  • It depends on the definition of intelligence as there are many kind/type/sort/category of intelligences and every psychologist, neuroscientist, philosopher, linguist, ethnologist, educator and a multitude of other specialist will all have their own preferred way to differentiate, categorize, regroup and make hierarchies or diagrams of all matter of intelligence and the different aspects of cognition.

    Then there is general intelligence (g factor or general intelligence factor) which counterintuitively affects “intelligence” less as it increases, coined as Spearman’s law of diminishing returns (SLODR):

    Tucker-Drob (2009) found that a general factor accounted for approximately 75% of the variation in seven different cognitive abilities among very low IQ adults, but only accounted for approximately 30% of the variation in the abilities among very high IQ adults.

    Hence, very loosely akin to current CPUs/GPUs limits (terrible comparison, I know), there’s only so much Gigahertz we can push silicon based CPUs, there is only so many transistors we can smash together into a smaller and smaller space, there is only so much distance/area to carry tiny and fragile signals from one end of the CPU to another before it become undistinguishable from background noise, there is only so much power we can feed a tiny CPU before it reaches thermal saturation and there’s only so many cores and/or modules we can add before most of it remain dormant/barely used in day to day operations.

    Now, concerning your hypothetical button, let suppose there is no such “diminishing return”, one could gladly continuously sit/walk/sleep on the button for more “intelligence”, but to keep up the brain and entire nervous system will have to drastically change just to handle all this increased intelligence. At some point even the brain volume will start to be affected and the brain would outgrow its cranium. All of it will probably excruciatingly painful and accompanied with a cocktail of neurological disorders since the brain keeps rewiring itself as it evolves.

    Neat question indeed. 😆