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“On a previous android phone”
They’ve been incrementally locking down those features and options (or security holes) over the years. I’ve used Tasker almost from the very first android phone to automate tasks and watched those features it tied into slowly get stripped away or locked down to the point of being useless.
Usually only kernel changes if at all, but they mentioned registry keys.
So much jamaharon.
Which season? You mean which Star Trek, right? Do you want: 60s Technicolor and skirts; Animated not because it’s for kids, but because special effects are expensive and difficult; Androids and friendly Klingons; Frontier space station; One ship alone against an entire quadrant of the galaxy; Time travel and a theme song with words; Tripping through space with the help of mushrooms; Animated, this time for kids; Star Trek, now with more heart; Star Trek: beyond retirement; Star Trek: humor will set us free?
Beginner tutorials exist. Have you even tried looking? Linux has better documentation than anything I’ve seen in any other OS. Man pages, help files, and commented configuration files galore in just about every single Linux distro without any Internet needed, but it sounds like you never even bothered to look for them.
Sure, assholes online exist in Linux communities, but they are EVERYWHERE. We’ve got a couple right right here. That doesn’t exactly distinguish FOSS communities from any other.
Generalizations about all of FOSS based on your limited experience with a few distros is just asinine. FOSS is way more than an operating system.
Expecting a machine to hold your hand through your learning is such a weird form of entitlement and an especially weird distinction to make since no other operating system does that to the level you expect either.
Corporations pay for support services. The code is free (as in speech). No one ever claimed that the support was also (or even should be) free. Microsoft support is a joke. Apple support is mostly just a sales scheme. Linux support forums might be hostile to entitled noobs looking for a handout and a quick fix, but they are fucking heros when given a chance to help those who put in the effort to help themselves.
No, the title is a homophone for a slang term for ejaculation.
They knew what they were doing. Obviously this is (I assume) just more of the same step-family kink fad nobody asked for.
Wheels are so boring! Why can’t they just innovate?!
And the pineapple armor works wonderfully, until its enzymes digest you enough that the line between knight and pineapple becomes unclear, like Leto Atreides II covering himself in Sand Worm Trout and becoming the God Emperor of Dune.
They shouldn’t be separate in the first place. It’s just bad design that’s prone to failure. And in this case that failure mode is VERY far from failsafe, it’s potentially deadly.
Too bad those “easily accessible manual releases” aren’t the actual door handle and are hidden so well you’d never find them if you were unfamiliar with the vehicle.
Almost as bad as once every 3 days!
It’s not impolite to dig in and eat the food when it is fresh and hot.
Next time you tape over it, try this. Cut an old credit card, hotel key card, or something similar to just larger than the switch’s recess. Tape only the top edge to the machine so that the stiff plastic or cardboard covers the switch, but can be lifted up and out of the way when you need to access it. I’ve used a similar trick to protect light switches I wanted to occasionally use, but not accidentally flip along with the other switches in the next gang over.
Sorry, that’s not what I see.
Both are measurements of cross-sectional AREA and are defined in terms of square millimeters (mm^2), not mm.
Except that none of that is accurate and leaves out the crucial detail that getting measles destroys your body’s antibody memory used to fight all the other diseases your body had already learned to fight. It also ignores the horrific and totally avoidable deaths that also resulted.