Wheaties [she/her]

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  • 7 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 2nd, 2020


  • since nobody knows for sure, I’m going to take this opportunity to say what I think it is but it’s probably wrong so ignore this

    I think it’s called “dialectic” because it’s like a “dialog”. Events, history and problems and such, unfold logically until they reach an impasse, a contradiction. To resolve this, you have to take into account what has come before; your response can’t just be a non-sequitur. So, like, reactionaries look at a problem that exists and say, “We have to go back to before this problem existed and just do that” – but it never works because what came before eventually became what is. Or sometimes people try to brush away all the context, find a clean slate to start over. That really doesn’t work. Your still plugged into the same context, and in attempting to wipe away everything you’ve just made a whole bunch of new contradictions as well.

    So to be dialectic, you gotta pay attention to what’s going on and what’s already happened. You gotta really study the context you are in, so that when you decide to respond you are prepared for how that in turn unfolds to the next contradiction.

    …i think that’s what it means, anyway

  • It’s not as though democrats were leaping at the chance to roll back the PATRIOT act or close Gitmo. When Trump was president, they moan about how “insane and backward” his tariffs were, only to double down once in office. It’s like how congress members behave one way when the cameras are in the room, and another when they’re off; the difference is slight and exaggerated for our viewing pleasure.

  • they don’t argue with each other in public


    put aside their differences for the sake of achieving a common goal

    I wonder if he’s tapping into something kinda true here. Like, if the American conservative movement didn’t have a group of people to label “Woke” (21st century neologism, compare to 20th century neologism “hippie”), what would they be? What would they stand for? They don’t really have a common ideal beyond, “Bad people go away”. They’d fracture and start fighting amongst themselves. I mean, it’s a group that includes everyone from fundamentalist evangelicals to crypto-hyping libertarians. For as much as the left fights amongst itself, there’s still a broader understanding that a better world is possible, that the pile of things we agree on is larger than pile we disagree over.

  • Feudalism is a rigid class structure determined by blood inheritance. That’s not really what we have. A noble who looses their money would still have the privileges and rights granted by their title - they would still be part of the ruling class. If a member of our ruling class were to loose their money, loose their source of passive income, they’d very quickly no longer be part of the ruling class.