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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

    • Those are tires, not wheels.
    • 35% which uses them means that 65% don’t use them.
    • You said “no matter gear you have”, so you can’t use that point.
    • With 20cm of fresh snow, even a normal car would be stuck. But if you tell me that you use a special car (a pick-up for example), I will argue that you can use a special bike (such as a fat bike) and roll with it without problem.

  • And we could save a lot of people if they put on helmets to walk down stairs, and yet I don’t see anyone saying that people are stupid not to wear them.

    And your friend, if he drives at 30mph, of course he has to wear a helmet, but the subject is not a sporty practice of cycling, but bike commuting. And helmets does not protect you from a shitty infrastructure and tank-like cars that run you over, so maybe it would be good to stop insulting people and bring some nuance to this debate.

  • Ctrl + F “nucléaire” -> Pas de mention de sortie, juste l’arrêt de la fusion de l’ASN et de l’IRSN qui est une évidence

    Ctrl + F “Ukraine” -> Rien

    Putain ils l’ont fait les cons, ils ont réussi à faire un programme en sortant les points vraiment clivants. Je vais pouvoir voter sans un seul petit remord, enfin

  • Ah oui les fameux gens de gauche qui votent Le Pen uniquement parcequ’ils n’aiment pas la personnalité de Mélenchon. A moins que tu ne parles maintenant plus des gens qui veulent voter à gauche mais de la population générale ? Je ne suis pas sûr de te suivre mais je crois que tu changes de sujet.

    J’ai pas dit “gens de gauche”, j’ai dit, je me cite : « Pour tous ceux qui ne sont pas des partisans LFI et qui cherchent qui voter à gauche »

    J’ai fait exprès de choisir soigneusement mes termes, merci de ne pas les déformer. Et si tu doutes qu’ils existent, je rappellerai qu’il y a eu 17% de report de voix depuis LFI vers le RN au deuxième tour de 2022, donc des gens qui hésitaient entre Mélenchon et Le Pen au premier tour, ça doit bien exister.

    Ton sondage montre juste que les gens dans cet échantillon ont d’abord choisi sur 1) le programme et 2) Les chances de passer au second tour. Il demande les motivations principales de leur vote, pas si ils aiment Mélenchon.

    La ligne qui nous intéresse, c’est « La personnalité du candidat », et Mélenchon est avant-dernier ex-æquo avec Hidalgo, et à peine au-dessus de Jadot. Ça veut dire que même parmi ses propres votants, Mélenchon n’est pas populaire, alors maintenant imagine sa popularité chez les votants d’autres partis et les abstentionnistes.

    Et puis bon, c’est gentil les concours de popularité mais à ce jeu là Roussel serait devant tout le monde à gauche. Ce qui nous intéresse les plus c’est les élections et, en l’occurrence, le constat est clair : les électeurs de gauche on massivement voté Mélenchon, par adhésion à ses idées.

    Bah oui, c’est exactement ça, ils ont voté massivement Mélenchon, par adhésion aux idées de LFI (bon score sur la première ligne), par vote utile (bon score sur la troisième ligne), mais malgré le candidat (mauvais score sur la deuxième ligne).

  • T’as un gros problème de logique là, être le premier parti de gauche ça ne prouve pas que LFI n’aurait pas pu faire mieux sans Mélenchon (= qu’il n’est pas un repoussoir), et ça ne prouve absolument pas que tous la quasi-totalité des non-partisans de LFI qui cherchent un candidat valable à gauche ont voté pour lui.

    Dans ton raisonnement, tu occultes tous les votants qui ont voté dans d’autres partis par dépit, dont un nombre significatifs se reportent même à l’extrême droite, et tu occultes les abstentionnistes qui ne se sont pas déplacés faute de candidat valable.

    Regarde la gueule de certains sondages, c’est flagrant que beaucoup votent LFI malgré Mélenchon, il a la même popularité que Hidalgo parmi leurs votants respectifs.

  • interesting idea, though Chernobyl and Fukushima were both gen2s 💀

    The reactor that exploded at Chernobyl was an RBMK model, not a PWR. This implies major design differences from French PWRs, including:

    • A positive temperature coefficient, which means that an increase in core temperature leads to an increase in reactivity, which in turn leads to an increase in core temperature, and so on, implying instability and the possibility of a runaway. French PWRs are designed with a negative temperature coefficient, so an increase in core temperature leads to a decrease in reactivity, and vice-versa, physically preventing the runaway that caused Chernobyl.
    • A flaw in the shutdown system: graphite rods were used to reduce reactivity during reactor shutdown. On the one hand, these graphite rods descended too slowly into the reactor core, and on the other, they physically increased the reactor’s reactivity when they were first inserted, before reducing it. In fact, it was irradiated graphite that burned and radioactively contaminated the whole area around Chernobyl, not uranium or anything else. On french ones, there is simply no graphite, nothing inflammable nor any rods of any sort, it’s water that’s used to stop the reactors.
    • There was also no containment vessel.

    Two things to note: the USSR knew about these defects years before the Chernobyl disaster, but the scientists who raised the alarm were neutralized. The other is that the explosion and fire in the reactor were caused by the failure of inexperienced technicians to follow procedures, under pressure from senior management, because the plant was to be visited by a high-ranking official the following day, and therefore the tests they were running at the moment had to be completed at all costs.

    Chernobyl exploded because of the USSR’s cult of secrecy and appearance, causing incompetence and corruption.

    For Fukushima, it should be noted that Fukushima Daini, although closer to the epicenter of the earthquake, but with better safety standards, was only slightly damaged and even served as a refuge for tsunami survivors.

    For Daichii, same thing as Chernobyl, we have a very long list of failures and even falsifications by TEPCO dating from 2002, and even more in 2007, with alarms sounded on all sides by seismologists and scientists of all sides, and the government did not react.

    We must understand that these are not disasters that happened out of nowhere, that we could never have predicted, and even less that we could never have avoided. It was a very long succession of bad choices by the incompetent and corrupt.

    But despite all this, the Fukushima nuclear disaster caused no deaths, and Chernobyl only killed a few thousand people at most. Nuclear power, in its entire history, has killed only a fraction of what coal kills each year.

    I guess it could be made more safe cheaply with modern electronics and software (seeing IoT/“AI”/boeing software engineers in a nuclear facility would freak me the fuck out though)

    It has already been done, and without AI/IOT or anything of that kind. For the French REPs, this resulted in the implementation of additional testing protocols (I know that they tested accelerated aging over 10-20-30 years of parts like cables, for example), addition of generators, renovation and improvement of industrial parts, etc.

    Both Chernobyl and Fukushima could’ve been avoided/reduced in effect with good failsafe software imo.

    No. Fukushima Daichi’s walls were just not meant to handle more than a 5 meters wave. It took a 14 meters high wave right in the face.

    I kinda doubt we’d be able to make gen2s cheaper than gen3s (at least in small capacities) though, because their production lines and designs would’ve been long shut down/forgotten

    The industrial fabric has been crumbling for a long time, that’s for sure, but at least the designs are much simpler, and we have thousands of engineers working on gen IIs and can contribute their expertise. We don’t have any of that on the gen IIIs.

  • Waryle@jlai.lutoWorld News@lemmy.worldGermany to miss 2030 climate goal: experts
    4 months ago

    Pretty much every nuclear reactor that’s recently been built has been crazily over budget and significantly late. It seems it is usually a decade later than planned.

    If you look at the EPRs, well, we can thank the Germans who co-developed the project, and pushed for excessive requirements making the design complex, such as the double containment and the system to make maintenance possible without shutting down the reactor. Requirements that the French didn’t need or want, but which were accepted as a concession to keep the Germans in the project, before they slammed the door anyway.

    Even Okiluoto and Hinkley Point can be regarded as serial entries, so different are they from Flamanville, and so much work had to be done to simplify them.

    Let’s scrap the EPR design, go back to Gen IIs for now, since we know they’re reliable, safe, cheap and easy to build, and move straight on to Gen IV when it’s ready.

    Anyway, the beginning of construction is a highly misleading timeframe. There’s a long process before construction even starts. Not unique to nuclear reactors.

    You still have nuclear power plants, you don’t even have to start from scratch. But yes, NIMBYS are a significant problem, but renewables are already facing this problem too, and it’s going to intensify greatly with the amount of space it takes to build wind turbines, solar panels, and the colossal amount of storage it takes to make them viable without fossil, hydro or nuclear power.

    I dislike nuclear reactor discussions because of similar arguments. E.g. “new technology” fixes some problem, while ignoring the drawbacks

    I’m talking about Gen II reactors like the 56 that make up France’s nuclear power fleet, which are tried and tested, safe, inexpensive, efficient, and have enabled France to decarbonize almost all its electricity in two decades. I’m not into technosolutionism, I’m into empiricism.

    If someone says that it’ll take 15 years then the person didn’t solely mean the actual construction. They mean from wanting it to having it working.

    Okay, so the 4 Blayais reactors, totalling 3.64GWe (equivalent to almost 11GW of wind power, but without the need for storage or redundancy) were connected to the grid 6.5 to 8.5 years after the first public survey, made before the project was started.

    I’m not claiming that every reactor project will be built so quickly, but we have to stop pretending that nuclear power is inherently slow to build. It’s the lack of political will that makes nuclear power slow to build, and it’s not an unsolvable problem.

  • Gen II reactors are the reactors design which has been built between the 70’s up to 2000, it has nothing to do with SMRs.

    My point was that there’s no reason to insist on a ridiculously complex reactor design such as the EPR (which is a Gen III reactor), and that we can simply go back to the proven designs of the second generation for two or three decades, until we finish developing the fourth generation, which has real arguments.

  • but we certainly have technology that does the job.

    Absolutely not if we’re talking about nation-wide energy storage. The world’s largest STEP, Hongrin-Leman, Switzerland, which occupies a considerable amount of space, has only a capacity of 100 GWh, which represents less than 1h15 of the winter night consumption of a country like France which consumes 70 GW at that time.

    It would take 10 to sustain one night without wind, as you can have several each year. Then we would have to fill them entirely in one day for the next night which is impossible.

    And that’s just for the problem of capacity, such a STEP generates less than 500MW of power, so it would actually take 140 STEPs of that size to provide enough power.

    And we’re talking about today, where most cars and heating are still fossil-fueled and need to be replaced by electric.

    Unless you find a technology that is now a miracle, running a country on solar and wind without hydro-electricity or nuclear is science fiction.