Lyrics to this song were eventually changed to become the battle hymn of the Republic
Lyrics to this song were eventually changed to become the battle hymn of the Republic
Pretty sure I alienated everyone in my local furry Discord by saying I’m refusing to vote for Genocide Joe lmao
New site tagline
I’ll only buy a phone with an audio jack and usbc port.
I think of my phone like a swiss army knife, it’s a multi tool that I carry with me at all times and can be used for many different things. I like using wireless headphones and I usually connect via bluetooth but on the occasion that I need to plug a headset into my phone I am able to quickly and easily do that with no extra thought.
Why would I buy a new phone that has less features than my current phone?
Listen I’m a proud liberal L and I’m glad that the liberal supreme court protected L marriage. I’m also about as far left as you can get but these days the Z’s are being ridiculous. They don’t understand how good they have it, and how they should be grateful and patient for their day to come. Making trouble in the party just puts L’s like me at risk again and we don’t want that. Oh and don’t get me started on those fucking T’s
I must not understand what turning off free access to the twitter api means
Does this mean nitter will stop working?
sigh why do these oppressed people hate their oppressors so much? Why do they have to fight for their freedom instead of just being nice?
The maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry.
Republicans get things done and Democrats don’t. I don’t want dems to pick up Republican social ideals but I do want them to pick up Republican political strategies that actually produce results. Why do you want the party of the “good guys” to be so feckless? Isn’t it a HUGE problem when the “good guys” are weak and the bad guys are strong?
I guess it’s good that Biden didn’t really try to get leverage on manchin then. Its good that Biden saw all the damage manchin was doing and said “well I guess I gotta give up now”
People who really care will try everything even if it might not work. Biden didn’t try shit because he doesn’t care
Oh good so it’s not a problem then. Kids are starving but nothing to see here
So the status quo is good for you? Better than trying to use leverage to force an old piece of shit to do something good for people?
edit: Actually having a spine would help support for dems in my opinion. But we’ll never know if I’m right because the dems will never try that.
In the same way that Christianity or Wicca are real
it’s also real that there are people who don’t believe than one can be non-binary
So if someone holds the view that they don’t believe it’s possible for a person to be a Christian even though there’s millions of people that call themselves Christian do you think that means the question of whether or not there are people that are Christian is up for debate? That’s insane.
But this kind of uncharitable reading is common with your hexbear assholes
some shut-in 22-year-old called me a lib
Commienazi troll instances (hexbear, lemmygrad)
You literally called us Nazis in your top level comment you fucking moron.
Hopefully defed from your instance
An acknowledgement would be step 1 of 1000 if it were really to lead to something better. We’ve seen American politicians take this one tiny step before and we know that aren’t able or willing to take any further steps
An apology spoken by a few reps is not “real action in the present”
If I’m raised in a cult and taught all my life to hunt and kill you is that ok with you because it’s not my fault that I was born into that situation?
Yeah I don’t see this stopping Alex Jones. Hell just start a “new” podcast called something else and bring in donations. As long as he has at least a cell phone mic and a paypal account he’ll be doin some form of info wars