Torenico [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2020


  • Hold up. Let RT cook let-em-cook

    US accuses Russia’s RT of efforts to ‘destabilize’ Argentine government

    The State Department imposed sanctions on the state-funded network for alleged covert intelligence activities

    The United States government imposed sanctions on Russian media network RT after accusing the state-funded outlet of carrying out covert intelligence activities around the world to advance Kremlin interests. Among the countries allegedly targeted is Argentina: according to the Biden administration, RT is attempting to “destabilize” President Javier Milei’s government.

    “The Russian Government is also engaged in operations meant to destabilize the government of Argentina and escalate tensions between Argentina and its neighbors,” said a release by the State Department on Friday. However, it did not provide any concrete examples of how these alleged destabilization efforts were being conducted.

    Of course they didn’t provide any concrete examples. OF COURSE.

    Milei has been vocal about his support for Ukraine. In June, he participated in the Global Summit for Peace and offered the country “full support” in its war against Russia. He has also expressed disdain for Vladimir Putin’s government: before becoming president, Milei had said he would not be partnering in business with “any communist countries,” including Russia. His government also declined entering the trading bloc BRICS Russia is a part of, an effort that had been spearheaded by the prior administration.

    Famous communist, Putin.

    In its briefing, the State Department said that RT was no longer just a media outlet, calling it “an entity with cyber capabilities.” It accused it of a series of “malign activities,” such as “engaging in information operations, covert influence, and military procurement in Europe, Africa, and North and South America.” This includes interfering in foreign elections and launching a crowdfunding campaign to procure weapons for Russia’s war against Ukraine.

    So like CNN, BBC and etc etc.

    According to the statement, these RT-managed influence and intelligence operations began in the Spring of 2023 by direct orders of the Kremlin. It also said RT head Margarita Simonyan and RT Deputy Editor-in-Chief Anton Anisimov have direct knowledge of this enterprise. The State Department explained that the U.S. government was “actively engaged in a diplomatic effort” to inform other governments about these “destabilizing actions abroad”, and encouraged them to “take action” against them.

    The United Kingdom and Canada also made similar claims about RT’s alleged covert activities on Friday.

    Last week, the U.S. also filed money-laundering charges against two employees of RT for allegedly using shell companies and fake personas to hire a Tennessee company in order to produce online content aimed at influencing the 2024 U.S. presidential election, purportedly in favor of Republican candidate Donald Trump. It also announced actions targeting RT, including Simonyan.

    ok still don’t care lmao

    This is a new chapter in the U.S. and Russia’s strained relationship. Joe Biden’s administration has issued several sanctions against Russian individuals and companies since the war against Ukraine began in 2022. On Saturday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in her opening remarks at the BRICS media summit in Moscow that RT journalists are being “subjected to a real terrorist and information attack” from the U.S. based on “monstrous and baseless” accusations. She warned member countries that the same could happen to them.

    RT, our people yearn for destabilization of the milei regime so we can take back power.

  • I am indeed happy to hear Fujimori died. But at the same time, I can’t stop thinking he died at like 86 after fulfilling all his goals, the damage he has done is far too great and he escaped proper justice (Execution, because monsters like him don’t deserve to live). Same goes for other ghouls like Bush (father), Rumsfeld, Kissinger and the fucking Queen. They all died, yes, and we should celebrate. But they died comfortably after doing their jobs. They might be gone, but the structures that took them to power and allowed them to do what they did are still around, they have not been dismantled. Hitler died, but nazism lived on.

    Once we do just that, only then we can say proper justice has been delivered.

    Still crab-party , but we must also remind ourselves that we have a lot of work to do.

  • Okay I got this now, I’ve seen some of the news.

    So the elf is a dude who underwent through massive surgery to look like a… an elf. Either way, he’s in some sort of deep relation with Lilia Lemoine, one of the libertarian congresswoman who is VERY close to milei. Apparently, both Lemoine (a 40 years old cosplayer who believes the earth is flat) and milei used to date years ago and she is in possesion of several private videos of milei having like massive mental breakdowns and shit like that, I think there’s even sex tapes of the two but I don’t know.

    Now this elf dude worked in milei’s campaign and built a relationship with the ancap, but then he decided to kick him out of the campaign team. Lemoine is also in a bit of a fallout with her libertarian friends and with milei himself so there’s some bad blood between them now. Due to the elf and Lemoine having a close relationship, he got ahold of these videos as a way to “protect himself”, he’s on the record saying “if anything happens to me, make it all blow up” as in, release the private videos of milei, creating a huge scandal. Lemoine is known in the cosplaying circles as being a massive piece of shit who built her way to “the top” by blackmailing people over and over again, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she threatens milei with shit like this.

    This is all I can gather. To be honest I want this nightmare to end as soon as possible. It’s stressing me the fuck out, I hate these fucking people and I hate this place. It is funny indeed, like insane levels of stupidity and whatnot, but it is also important to understand these people are in charge of a country and are actively destroying countless of lifes. Deep down everything is serious and will have long term repercussions. Like what the fuck, 90% of the libertarians in charge are complete losers and unknowns who never held office in their lives and all they did was buy crypto and scam people, the worst people imaginable are in POSITIONS OF POWER. For fucks sake milei’s sister, Karina, is a medium (talks with the dead) and is the most average loser person you can find, AND SHE’S A FUCKING MASSIVE SECRETARY SECOND ONLY TO MILEI IN POWER. They have no experience in politics, don’t know how the State works, don’t know how Society operates, they’re here to fuck shit up and punish us for electing some shit socdems 20 years ago or something.

  • I’ve seen it, the videos coming out of Gaza of the huge crater made by the US-made bomb dropped on a refugee camp by the zionist genocidal entity. This, coupled with the very recent video of a palestinian emergency worker carrying the lifeless body of a young girl amid the rubble, whose head is completely cracked open and is later seen being filled with pieces of cloth just to give it some proper form for a proper humane burial… It’s over, it’s completely over. If the continued stream of horrific information that comes out from Gaza doesn’t turn you into a radical anti-Zionist and anti-Genocide person, you’re dead to me and to everyone else. There is no more room for doubters, either you’re against this genocide or you fully embrace it and celebrate it. Large portions of the western world fall into the latter. Let us not forget about the decadent comprador regimes and royals who plague the Arab World, those like Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia… whose lack of response directly aids the genocidal effort of “Israel”.

    There is no more discussion to be had, it cannot get any clearer than this, it is impossible. “Israel” has done everything they can to show the world their genocidal intentions, they’re very open and shameless about it. Whoever doubts, at this stage, is supportive of genocide.