• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Trump often uses the Royal “we” to confuse. When he does this he’s talking about himself.

    So when he talks about “the last election we ever have” He means the last election HE will have - because he’ll be too old and in jail and unable to run again.

    This is also projection - recall that he urged voters they’ll only need to vote one more time. He 100% will attempt to install himself and his family as permanent dictators if elected and the Supreme Court will let him do it. Don’t believe he won’t and don’t believe Republican lawmakers aren’t craven enough to facilitate this. He looks up to Putin and Kim Jong-Un because he thinks they have a sweet deal as dictators for life.

  • My husband is extremely allergic to eggs. We’re not vegan but we often eat vegan and buy vegan products to make our lives easier. He doesn’t drink red wine because of this. I’m kind of shocked that they don’t need to divulge this on their labels. Sulphites are labelled, but for an allergen that can actually make people very ill it’s so weird that it’s not a requirement like with food products.

    He notices this with craft beer as well, though not to the same extent as red wine. We used to go to craft beer fests all the time and sometimes he would get a terrible stomach ache and heartburn out of nowhere. We looked it up and egg white albumen can be used to increase the foaminess of craft beer.

    I really wish we could improve the labelling requirements in North America. We often see food that is labelled vegan but “may contain” egg or other very non vegan products. I don’t think that’s good enough for vegan people and it’s certainly not good enough for my husband as cross-contamination is a very real concern. Just Egg has this issue - it shares equipment with things that contain egg.

    Vegans 💪 egg allergic people

  • Good conversation on the topic here

    Basically, it is becoming more common in English writing to use the masculine “hero” as gender neutral when the figure is a famous and/or historical figure.

    If it is a fictional character, “heroine” is still widely used.

    There’s been a wider trend of using gender neutral terms in the language. “They” as a replacement for “he” or “she”, for example, used to be improper but is now quite widely accepted and not only when speaking about a non-binary person.

  • I’m using a hyperbolic comparison to point out that Israel’s justification for killing Palestinian civilians is wrong. October 7th doesn’t give the IDF carte blanche to genocide a whole civilian population.

    I’m pointing out that Israel often claims that Palestinian civilians are connected to / harbouring / being used as shields for Hamas so it’s basically fair game to kill them (they are enemy combatants).

    Given that stance, shouldn’t the opposite also be true because Israel has compulsory military service. Because of this, all of their civilians are technically connected to the IDF so are they not also enemy combatants?

  • I really don’t think Netanyahu and his genocide cabinet would stop even if they stopped receiving weapons and/or funding. You could prosecute under the ICC but he’s not going to attend any sort of trial. Sanctions will likely never happen.

    I’m not saying what the west (it’s not just the US) is doing is right in backing Netanyahu’s cabinet. What I am saying is this leader’s actions are a prime example of evil if I’ve ever seen it in my lifetime.

    What happened to Israel on Oct. 6 was evil beyond comprehension. It is not ok to genocide a whole population on that basis.

    Additionally, it’s disheartening that Trump would be even worse amid reports he’s counseled the Israeli PM to avoid a ceasefire for his own political aspirations. Dangerous fascist dictators flock together, it would seem.