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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2023


  • I heard him say “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard”, but what do I know, I only watched it on video.

    But you’re right, letting democracy take its course is stupid, I don’t trust the public to make decisions and have to go through the trouble of voting. The only good democracy is one in which we tell the people who they can vote for. We should probably bar the Republican party from participating too. We don’t want to confuse people by giving them too many choices, especially since we obviously all want another term of Biden. He’s the best!

  • The world IS bigger than Seattle, I agree. That being said, Seattle is a key US city, and as such what happens there has cultural and political ramifications for our country as a whole. The fact that you are either dismissing and/or not aware of what happened there is a little troubling and makes me question your qualifications to hold an opinion on the matter.

    As for the obviously hyperbolic claim that “whole cities were burned down”, that’s absurd. As someone who lives very near Los Angeles, I can tell you that there absolutely was widespread looting, vandalism, protests/riots, and violence. This was not localized and spread both into Orange County as well as the Inland Empire. I know this because 1. I saw it with my own eyes, and 2. I had multiple clients reach out to me and reschedule because they needed to shutter their businesses and board up their store fronts with plywood to prevent them from being smashed and looted.

    Since we’re sharing articles, how about this one that talks about two individuals who burned down a Wendy’s. Both individuals pleaded guilty of 1st degree arson and as a result got a slap on the wrist ($500 fine and 150 hours of community service). Explain to me how that’s even remotely a reasonable punishment for burning down a building…