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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • Tesla is getting hit hard and fast. I watch car news and it’s still mostly manufacturers announcing new model years that are significantly more expensive than before.

    Housing really became an investment in the late 80s to 90s, that’s part of what drove the McMansion boom. Not for corporations but individuals, who are actually the largest driver of prices not adjusting. Don’t get me wrong, corporations are buying an increasingly large chuck and this will be a problem, but right now it’s not the big one. In my area there are an absurd number of houses for sale compared to normal. All of them are overpriced, almost none of them are selling, and yet they increase the list price every month like clockwork. These are individuals, not corporations. Until these individuals accept that the house they bought for $50k isn’t worth $1.5m, prices will not go down.

  • I think 150k (ish) in my city would be solidly middle class. You could buy a house/car/retire on that.

    I’m in a super weird spot, because I make good enough money that I have savings to support me after job loss, and I make enough money that I don’t really have to worry about my grocery bill (within reason). Heck, there’s even a chance that I’ll be able to have a decent retirement.

    But a house? Not happening. New car? No chance. Even eating out every week isn’t viable. And even what I have is only because I have a pretty sweet rent situation.

  • this shortage is entirely caused by cities preventing construction of everything but single family homes

    So I work in a field closely related to this, and the issue is less cities and more banks. The regulations in my city are basically: “if it’s housing, no regulations”. No minimum parking, no maximum density, no height limit, etc etc. But the banks? Won’t finance over ~22 stories. Or over ~200 units. Or parked less than 2:1. So we end up with only these short towers that are 50% parking podiums, where units are expensive AF because they have to pay for $100,000+ of parking per unit, not to mention the astronomical land prices being less diluted.

    The only solution is for the city itself to start financing construction (and realistically doing the development themselves too), but that’s never going to happen.

  • Most real estate is owned by “123 street LLC”, meaning each LLC owns a single house/building. I’m not even sure how you would get around that realistically, and it’s not just companies that do that. If I ever get to the position of buying a house (…yeah right lol), I intend to do the same thing.

    On top of that it gets weird with multiple houses because they’re in different locations with different tax rates and AHJs. Even within the same city you can be paying taxes to different counties. I’d like to see something like owning 2 houses = 2x taxes, 3 = 3x, etc. But then people could game it based on different tax rates, so you’d have to have a system to apply it to each AHJ equally.