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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 12th, 2023


  • The question as asked would be a simple and emphatic “no. He didn’t meet with a Parkinson’s specialist for his own medical needs”.

    He did recently sign Parkinson’s orders which would perfectly align with the visits. But they won’t say that. And as a press secretary if that was the issue you take an issue that is gripping the news cycle and answer it with a spotlight on a very positive news story! Why would you hide that?! You wouldn’t.

    I’ve hated basically all press secretaries for the past 10 years. They all suck and lie. It’s shameful. There’s a difference between spin and propagandist/bold-face lies. They are in bold face lying territory.

  • First, most likely Trump will win. So prepare yourself. The few thousand people that make the electoral college difference, are not liking Biden. Additionally the supreme court is now packed so that it is all irrelevant. The supreme court can block and declare a winner at their discretion basically. So it will happen, if not 2024, maybe 2028.

    The whole violent uprising and civil war thing is a real threat. The FBI has been shouting this from the rooftops since 2020. If you’re only now paying attention, you basically prove the point that Americans are too ignorant of the world immediately around them to even be trusted with such decisions. If Trump wins, there will still be death. Think after parties for NFL or NHL teams. Cars will be flipped and lit on fire. People in body paint and viking hats will shoot rifles into the air. Probably kill a few counter protesters but that will be the new normal.

    And again, uniqueness? Lol, this is literally the playbook of the 1930’s Germany. Any idiot that doesn’t know history, is doomed to repeat it. Really people, education is important.

    For history since you don’t know it Hindenburg became the democratically elected president of Germany in November of 1932. Hitler, yes that Hitler, got almost 40% of the vote. Does that staunch support percentage sound familiar??? In the runoff he got a bit less but that’s because of the German system. Hindenburg was old. Too old. Age was the primary concern of those who voted for him. Sound familiar? By the end of January of 1933 (is this timeline sounding familiar yet? November election, January appointment…) Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor.

    Now the US doesn’t have a chancellor. But the reason was because the 40% of the country that was pro-Hitler was against EVERYTHING else. You literally could not govern or do anything because these literal Nazis refused because their dear leader didn’t win. This was the US playbook for the tea party, and now the GOP shutting down the senate and house. So in the USA assuming the GOP doesn’t get blown away of Congress, which nobody is predicting, nobody will have a supermajority. The “Nazis” or GOP, will block everything Legislative. The Supreme court will block and overturn everything Executive and Legislative they don’t like with the power of the Judicial.

    With the internet and social media, and no rules against it, I perfectly see Trump declaring himself President in Acting of MAGA and setting up home in Maralago or something. Ie, chancellor. His puppets in the government, local, state, and federal will not act without his blessing and will not act against him. Slowly keep passing and stalling government.

    Then they wait. Hitler waited and used the time to pass dictatorship laws using the democratic process. Newsflash, this has already happened thanks to Trump 1 presidency! So he literally has to do nothing but live and not die.

    In August of 1934, correlating to August of 2025 for our timeline, Hindenburg died. He was old. Hitler declared himself dictator, ie fuhrer. When Biden croaks, Trump declares himself King or whatever. Then what? The supreme court can back him up. All his actions are legalized.

    This is not some unique situation the world has never seen. It is literally the American Office vs the British Office. Same damn show ripped off years later without credit to the original with more drama and budget. The American way. This is Hitler 2, the Hollywood remake. And Americans are too fucking stupid to see it.

  • Honestly I don’t know anyone who likes her. And it isn’t a sexism thing. She was a terrible AG locking up many people for minor crimes and being “tough on crime” to the point of advocating for police militarization and excessive force. I absolutely detest her. Still voted for her on the ticket.

    At this point it doesn’t matter. Count Binface could run with Hillary Clinton and all the Democrats that would vote Biden/Harris will vote for them. Anyone that is “undecided” is just a fool.

  • Exactly. Just actually do it. Remember the people who escaped Germany left before the election. Those who left after had a much harder time.

    It is much easier to move without stuff whether that means selling or storing your collection of mostly junk. I took a leisurely route and brought about 40 suitcases total to the other side of the world in a few trips. The rest of the crap I bought over the years is rotting in a cheap storage unit. Your ancestors somewhere down the line immigrated with just the bags they could carry in one trip or nothing.

    Depending on your financial situation and if you have at least one family member with a secondary passport there are options. Just don’t poison them by “moving” as a tourist, trying to work, and then getting deported. Immigration is difficult, even for Americans. But it is possible.

  • Many telecom operators have a special code that is used for recording. When you’re making a call, you or the other party may press the record button. This will save both the input via microphone and the output via the speakers as one audio file for future use. When you press this button a special code is sent back to the telecom.

    Until recently most places in the USA did not do anything with this code. But now it’s catching up to the rest of the world. Once this is pressed, a voice will tell both parties that they are being recorded in the recording. This is so that you can’t later say “I didn’t know they were recording me!” and if you have every-party consent laws, then that recording is illegal so it cannot be used as evidence and the person recording could actually be charged with a crime.

    You can start the recording with an accidental face press, pocket press, keypad entry, or a malicious app. If either of you accidentally started it, then there’s your answer. If neither of you did, then most likely one of you is infected or one of you were connected to a relay tower decrypting your calls and then passing them through to a real tower. Whoever was operating this relay station was a n00b idiot though. Both are concerning.

  • People on Lemmy seem more tribal than even reddit. You must be “for” or “against” something, black and white.

    For example if tomorrow every house in Canada and the USA stopped using natural gas, like the supply just stops and electric equivalents are installed, emmisions would go UP.

    A 100k BTU furnace is about 29kwh. My old high efficiency furnace was 96%. The crappy ones are usually 80% efficient. Assuming 80% efficiency, the worst sold is installed everywhere then you need 23kwh per hour.

    If the energy source is coal, your electric furnace produces 50.6 CO2e. 22.3 CO2e if the source is natural gas itself (natural gas plant making electricity for you to make heat). If it’s an average USA KWh of 0.86 CO2e/kWh, then that’s 19.5. And it’s 11.7 CO2e if you just burn it for heat in your house.

    For some areas in Canada, like BC, the electricity is cheap, renewable, and awesome. In that case it’s almost 2x better to run electric heat than the 80% natural gas furnace. But not everywhere is BC.

    And that’s part of the point. You have to look at the whole picture. There’s really no reason to not run a natural gas line to a new residential property. It’s a high pressure pipe connecting everyone’s house. Maybe in the future that’s where the organic smell-o-vision inlet comes in for our holodecks. All the power and heat being electric, but saving individual deliveries of thousands of compounds to every house versus one. Repurposing utility scale infrastructure is common. You don’t have to know what the need is today. But knowing how ridiculously expensive it is to install later should be all the warning people need.

  • Which is not physically possible as most modern life relies on things that are not renewable.

    The little that is done to reduce on a personal scale is meaningless compared to what is needed to be done globally and by industry.

    Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do your part. But it’s stupid to believe any of it will help at all. At best it causes discourse for no reason. At worst, you’re being played as a fool by large corporations to put off actual change longer and longer.

    And just because it seems Lemmy can’t seem to understand not everything is binary, I have had 10KW of solar for 15 years. I have had hybrid cars for 20 years. I’ve had pure electric cars for 13 years. I am one of the few that have installed heat pumps. I also have electric (solar) powered radiant water heating because water is a good energy store. I do way more than your average person. But I’m not stupid enough to think “0 emmisions” is possible. And nobody after a 5 minute google shouldn’t understand commercial and industrial energy usage versus residential usage.