Bitwarden is big-tech? Since when?
Bitwarden is big-tech? Since when?
“Investing in public infrastructure” is not a term I’ve heard from any government in a long time and it saddens me.
I wrote “eyeing” but that’s an understatement — I’ve been mouthwatering. I’m a bit of a sucker for things I can tinker with. I don’t need a new phone at the moment, but the day may come soon.
I’ve looked around and yeah, that’s my impression too, that the 5 doesn’t work with certain bands, but I don’t think I’ve seen a definitive list.
I did see that some people have used some middleman service to get the 4.
You mentioned the Fairphkne and I’ve been eyeing it too. Has anything changed with how we can actually get it here? Or do we still have to do our homework and check if it’ll work with our existing providers or get a new plan?
Maybe there should be known public crawlers hosted by several people that would set up some kind of shared but separated indices, and people could self host their own search page and set it to subscribe to these indices and filter for sites they care about. The index hosted by one person must be public and easily recreated elsewhere, so that if they can’t host it anymore for whatever reason, others can fill the gap.
Or! Each server would kind of be in some federation, and we all have our own index, some overlapping. The overlapping simply becomes a kind of redundancy.
Sorry if that makes zero sense or is a bad idea. Just tossing it out cause I thought it might be somewhat viable after some (or much) tweaking. Been somewhat interested in information retrieval lately and this is making my little brain kind of excited.