SoyViking [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2020


  • Black market handgrenades can come from several sources, domestically it could have been stolen from military weapons caches, it could have been bough off corrupt people in the military (that has long been a souce for illegal fireworks) or it could have been imported from a conflict abroad, for instance the one going on close to Sweden right now, where one of the parties is Europe’s most corrupt country.

    If the police is embellishing the story or are being incompetent, illegal explosives are relatively easy to get your hands on in Sweden. With all the rocky terrain they have they need to blow up stuff every time they build a road or dig a basement, and some of that dynamite falls off the truck sometimes.

  • Two Swedish nationals aged 19 and 16 has been charged with terrorism by a Copenhagen court today. The charges are related to to two handgrenade explosions that happened near the so-called “embassy” of the illegal zionist entity last wedensday. The two Swedes are pleading not guilty.

    Peter Hummelgaard, head of Denmark’s succdem-controlled ministry of justice, seizing the opportunity to cause fear and paranoia, has made the following statement to Ritzau:

    If somebody were questioning the severity of this week’s events around the “Israeli” embassy, the new charges unfortunately clearly underlines that the terrorism threat against Denmark is significant. Unfortunately there are dark forces who wants to harm us.

    Hummelgaard failed to explain how a targeted strike at a foreign facility of the zionist terror movement affects the threat level to Danish citizens.

    Apparently Denmark’s secret police PET has not received this memo from their boss. According to them the so-called terror threat remains unchanged at “severe” which is level 4 out of 5. What that number means and what people can use it for besides justifying further expansions of the police state remains unexplained.

    As a reaction to the incident at the “embassy”, Danish regime has ramped up security theatre at the borders, especially at the Swedish border.

  • The western left is afraid of its own shadow and completely useless, exhibit #586254:

    During yesterday’s opening of Denmark’s rubber-stamp parliament, the small pro-democracy centre-left Red-Green party was met by pointless bad-faith attacks by right-wing regime representatives for having met with PFLP representatives and for having house an event featuring anti-imperialist author Torkil Lauesen. Back in the 1970’s and 80’s Lauesen was part of a group that raised funds for the PFLP through bank heists.

    The right demanded that Red-Green not-party-leader Pelle Dragsted answered a silly bad-faith question of whether you could remain a member of the party if you sympathise with the PFLP. True to his spineless nature, Dragsted did not tell them to go fuck themselves or attempt a defence of the Palestinian resistance movement it his own party members. Instead recited milquetoast liberal phrases about how the alleged transgressions had been done by individuals who didn’t reflect official party line and how the Red-Greens condemns “any kind of violence and terror against civilians”.

    Western leftists has had their minds poisoned by generations of anti-communist propaganda and had had their spirit completely broken by the disaster of the 1990’s counter-revolutions. Parties with roots back to militant labour activism and bold antifascist resistance has turned into some of the most conflict-averse liberal teddy bears on the planet. They are so afraid that some reactionary knucklehead is going to be mad at them or that some lanyard duel is going to accuse them of not being civil enough that they have turned completely harmless.