I haven’t seen the video yet. Solarpunk imagines a future where machines serve humans and animals and not the other way around. Animals have a role of mutually beneficial collaboration but not of unilateral exploitation by humanity. Humanity finally becomes what it should be: a responsible custodian of planet Earth and understands and studies the needs and wants of all beings that live on it.
I agree but content creators who care about the future should start to use both, sponsoring a slow but inevitable transition.
What you need is not always what the world needs.
Also creating accounts require a minute or more.
It require literally a minute, also creating an account isn’t a thing people like to do.
Scan a QR isn’t difficult, there are also tantum links
SimpleX is the best alternative right now, email is a very bad protocol
The best number-free protocol is SimpleX atm
Email is a shitty protocol we should abandon
Briar is better for particular dangerous situations, SimpleX is a ‘more comfy’ great alternative.
Because atm is the most adopted alternative but isn’t any better then SimpleX.
SimpleX is better, you don’t even need a phone number.
Hey, thanks for feedback and suggestions! Having one more fidelity and no plus abilities is more good in games like commander and less good in standard I suppose, I thought to search for + abilities in other exiled plainswalkers, but maybe your solution is more balanced.
Peertube.wtf is back!
I saw their repo but why not on standard F-Droid?
I think the only thing it needs is a mainstream instance.
There are emulators that works better as standalone, and sadly - as I love RetroArch - this is true for PS2 emulation since LRPS2 or Play! are not as good as PCSX2.