You’re right it would have been better if nothing happened at all
And I care about “how” it works and “what” data it uses because I don’t have to walk on eggshells to preserve the sanctity of an autocomplete software
You need to curb your pathetic ego and really think hard about how feeding the open internet to an ML program with a LLM slapped onto it is actually any more useful than the sum of its parts.
Nothing changed
Except the things that did.
So why couldn’t they do that in the last 4 years?
Because the Republicans, or a mysteriously convenient amount of Dems voted it down every time?
And you say this has been going on for 20 years now?
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the Dems probably wouldn’t have been able to pass stuff yet again if they were in power.
Really we need to dimantle the Duopoly and take our country back
Being Anti MAGA means you are a normal and well adjusted person.
It’s not ridiculous to be anti Oligarchy
The CDC can’t legally brodcast reports and warnings currently
Until Feb 1st
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
And where did it happen to find all those pictures of cats?
Best we can do is a feudal tech oligarchy holding a gun to the head of an already dying world.
I like how when America does it we call it AI, and when China does it it’s just an LLM!
Nice Strawman,
Now let’s see Paul Allen’s
Oh ok so training data doesn’t matter?
It can generate any requested image without ever being trained?
Or does data not matter when it makes your agument invalid?
Tell me how you moving the bar proves that AI is more intelligent than the sum of its parts?
When the Democrats want to win an election they can tell their rich donors that some basic concessions need to be made.
Bill Gates is equally responsible for perpetuating wealth inequality
The Neolibs who are funded by billionaires blocked leftist policies to maintain power, but for some reason don’t have an issue with losing control forever to a fascist dictatorship.
Hmmmmmm i wonder why they don’t care about fascism… Rich donors… Hmmmmmmmm…
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
This is because they don’t have the power to fire anyone.
The government unions won’t allow it.
Also people will not be paid for this, they can’t come up with the money and even if they do Trump doesn’t pay his debts
Don’t quit, don’t comply
Amogus :3