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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • No one, either in comments, nor in article, actually touches on form factor. The fact is that sedans are only good for moving people, but there’s better options for that: like cycling or train. The real benefit of an SUV’s form factor (or pickup, or station wagon, or hatchback) is that you can move cargo with it, the kind of stuff that you can’t move with efficient people movers.

  • problem seems to be […] intertwined language with culture

    You lost the argument right here. Language is as fundamental to culture as the sky is blue.

    The rest of your post amounts to “communication is important to function” and you are not wrong on that front. But you put no weight on the importance of culture too.

    Consider this your wakeup call, that just because you don’t personally care about society having an identity doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t.

  • The carbon sequestered in the earth in the form of coal, oil and gas hasn’t always been in the earth. After all, hydro carbons are in fact hundreds of millions of years of dead trees buried under mud sequestering atmospheric CO2. Which implies there was a time with all that CO2 in the air yet still trees to capture it. By releasing it all, we reset the biosphere’s clock to about a time when earth supported a different kind of life (one without us in it), but life nonetheless.

    Frankly, the comparisons to Mars and Venus seem a bit overblown.

  • Driving off with the rental car is a fine analogy if we were comparing this to not returning a DVD you rented.

    But this is not that. And that is kind of the point.

    Piracy is a breach of contract for sure. The point the author is trying to make is that our current licensing contracts around media are out of touch with the social contract (you pay for something, you get it).

    Hence the moral hazard. So companies will flaunt the social contract (like in the case of Sony) with impunity but will get rightous as soon as people flaunt the legal contract. It’s a double standard, where all the power is in the hands of those with the biggest legal department.

    You can’t define “theft” untill you first define justice. And if consumers and media holders can’t even agree to a just system, then why bother categorizing anything as theft at all?