Sploosh the Water

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Magic Earth. I’ve tried every other major OSM google maps alternative and none have been as good as Magic Earth.

    Osmand, Maps.me, Organic maps, and one other I can’t remember now, used them all. I still use Osmand because I’m trying to support the project, but Magic Earth by far has the best address searching, best UI, best directions, and limited but existing live traffic data to help you avoid really bad backups.

    Now I’m in the USA, and some folks say some of these apps work better in Europe, that’s fair, but that’s still my point, Magic Earth. Not FOSS, but privacy respecting and uses OSM data. If you wanna break away from Google but aren’t willing to deal with a bunch of jank, Magic Earth is your friend.

  • Sploosh the Water@vlemmy.nettoMemes@lemmy.mlFar-Left Extremists
    1 year ago

    Be careful, your child may start to take extremist actions with their fellow lefties such as:

    1. Organizing or joining a union.
    2. Voting for increased taxes on the ultra-wealthy.
    3. Marching to protest police militarization and restrictions on women’s rights.
    4. Pushing for better pay, hours, and benefits in their workplace.

  • Capitalism codifies the acquisition and control of capital by an owning class separate from the workers (employees). The owners always want to see their profits grow, because in a system that is zero sum, where competition is glorified as the primary mechanism for fair pricing and business success, if you aren’t growing, then other competitors will eventually extinguish you.

    Capitalism mimics evolution in that way, where all organisms compete against each other in a winner-takes-all setting. Talk to any hardcore Capitalist and they will talk about Capitalism being the “natural order”, “human nature” etc. I know, I used to be a hardcore free market capitalist.

    A system that places profit and private ownership of capital above all else will always result in the kinds of oppressive systems and company practices we see today.

    It’s like how fundamentalist religious institutions are having abuse scandals over and over for literal centuries. They are built in such a way that makes abuse easy to get away with. Even if it starts out perfectly clean, safe, and incorrupt, eventually the very structure of the organization itself will cause abusers to join or allow already abusive people to commit those acts without significant consequences. It is a negative feedback loop that perpetuates itself until it collapses totally or is extinguished by an outside force.

  • Worth it 100% for me, I love mine. I didn’t think I would use it much, I honestly bought it initially to just support the project and help FOSS friendly hardware and software.

    But once I started playing on it, I fell in love. I play lots of indie games and smaller studio games, like Brotato, Hollow Knight, Battle for Wesnoth, Core Keeper. I also installed RetroArch and play all of my favorite Game Boy games. I play Old School Runescape with my friend, some kart racing games, some fighting games.

    I also have Jellyfin installed on there, so I use it docked to my TV as a box for streaming from my Jellyfin server to my TV for movie nights. Discord runs pretty well on it in the background, so it works well for group party games like Pummel Party with my friends. Also games like Table Top simulator to play DnD, and virtual board games.

    Idk, it’s just a perfect device for me. Super moddable, repair friendly, FOSS friendly, powerful enough to play most games without issue, works with every kind of Bluetooth device I’ve tested it with, controllers, headphones, etc. And now that it’s been out for well over a year, all of the most severe and annoying bugs have been fixed, so the general experience is very smooth and stable.

  • I don’t believe in the concept of “intellectual property” so any laws built around that concept are nonsense to me.

    Laws about protecting intellectual property are to me, like laws preventing the poaching of unicorns, they don’t make sense because the thing they are built around doesn’t exist.

    I do think there should be protections against fraud, ie: falsely attributing somebody else’s work or not giving due credit. But the idea that a person, group of people, or a company can “own” a concept in the same way somebody owns a shovel or owns a house, that just makes zero sense to me.

    It’s a fallacy, it’s like somebody saying, “I tried to go see Harvard University, but the tour guide just spent hours showing me a bunch of different buildings. I never actually saw Harvard University.”

    I can understand owning an object, I even understand owning a piece of land to some degree, although that’s somewhat dubious IMO. But an idea? It just makes no sense to me.

    I’m thinking of a planet right now called “HS-9970 Xagian Prime” where the oceans are all honey and the land is all gingerbread. How do I “own” that idea? What does that even mean?

    I came up with the concept in my imagination sure. I’m the person that originated it, I put some kind of labor into it. But it’s impossible to steal from me, unlike land, a shovel, etc. Unless you literally went into my brain, removed the idea somehow and placed it into your brain.

    Do I have some sort of rights to that idea? What rights though. Rights of ownership with normal property seem to be rooted in some kind of basic violations of person. As in, the only way you can steal my shovel is if you deprive me directly of the ability to use it. Your stealing directly entails me losing the ability to use that thing. Stealing my land entails kicking me off of it by force against my will, depriving me of using it.

    But if you “steal” my idea of Xagian Prime, what am I being deprived of? Anything you add to it is your own creation, it follows the same rules as my ideas I came up with. One could argue that you couldn’t have come up with your new ideas without starting from mine, but that seems somewhat dubious, and even if true, it’s not like my idea of Xagian Prime was 100% original. It required concepts and ideas that other people already came up with too, and we don’t see that as “stealing.” I still have full access to my ideas of Xagian Prime.

    One might argue that I am deprived of potential profit or social gains, but that seems extremely dubious. How am I “owed” potential profit that isn’t guaranteed?

    It seems to me that the only arguments that are compelling for so called “Intellectual Property” are actually just arguments about fraud. Like it’s wrong to claim my idea of Xagian Prime is actually yours and then sell books on it. Sure, but that has nothing to do with property ownership, that is just fraud. That’s the same as saying it’s wrong to go around pretending I’m selling medicine when actually it’s just water with food coloring.

    I am open to changing my position, but I’ve been discussing this for years with folks and I’ve never heard a compelling argument for the existence of IP. The most compelling arguments I’ve heard are ones about rights of people to have their work represented in ways they allow. That makes sense, but again, that seems like an argument against fraud, not for IP.

  • I think it’s generational. When I talk to folks about gaming in their early-mid 30’s, the majority of them either also game, or at least don’t think it’s weird. Video games and board games too.

    I think once you hit that rough age cutoff for millennials, late 30’s-early 40’s it seems video gaming and board gaming also largely falls off. At least that’s been my experience.

    My spouse and I are in our 30’s and most of our peers game. Keep it up and never stop having fun!

  • Several, but my number one fav so far is Battle for Wesnoth. An old school hex tile turn based strategy game. Like something out of the 90’s or very early 2000’s.

    Great art, awesome music, solid gameplay, and runs on a potato.

    My best friend and I play it whenever we want a casual chill, play n’ chat gaming session.

    It runs great on the Steam Deck too with a few interface tweaks.