Sas [she/her]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I’d say they’ve probably long reached the point where they have enough customers around the world to hold the load on their servers fairly constant. The example with one user only taking 5% of a servers load only works for low customer counts, similar to how you can’t count on one wind turbine or solar plant to provide all of your energy but if you have enough of them you can provide a base line of fairly constant energy

  • The thing with 99% leverage sadly has only a chance of 1% to happen while the 1% leverage thing you can just make happen. And if you make the 1% thing happen in more people the votes for the 99% thing start to go up as well. And eating less meat does have an impact. For years now i read headlines that year n had less pig meat being eaten in total than year n-1 (pork being the focus as my country afaik does not have a big beef industry so it’s not as relevant to report about it)

    We have very little influence on the industry as a whole but if you buy less meat, the meat industry actually becomes smaller over time. The alternative products also become more and more. Super markets over here all have a vegan shelf at least and there’s more vegan only restaurants opening up in my city that even made my meat eater colleagues go there to eat from time to time.

  • Considering Nintendo selling very old games just emulated on their switch for almost full price I’d say people want both new games and their classics. The point is you don’t have to decide which games to get. I play Baldurs Gate 3 but also Age of Wonders 1 or the early Devil May Cry games. I can actually play the whole DMC series on one device while my PS5 is collecting dust as every game costs more there than on PC and I don’t have a big library of games.

    Also I’d have to pay way too much money just to be allowed to play online on servers that Sony doesn’t even run. Over the span of 5-10 years I’d have to pay probably around 400-800€ just to play online.

    I’m not 100% sure anymore but my pc with an AMD GPU and CPU cost me maybe 1300€ and runs everything i want on highest settings so far. I think the biggest price point on PC is people getting duped by sites like userbenchmark to think they need an Nvidia card that’s ridiculously expensive.

  • This might be a weird one as the game is often blamed for not having difficulty settings, but Elden Ring. While it doesn’t have a straight up setting that says easy, there’s a lot of ways to make the game easier.

    I really hate how Fromsoft put the “Prepare to Die” tagline onto Dark Souls when it came to PC and seems to develop into more bullshitty scenarios that kill you in unpredictable ways. Elden Ring has for example a lot of enemies that hold their attack for unintuitively long just to catch you off guard and punish you when you roll on the intuitive timing.

    The community is to blame as well for the bad reputation of the games with people making fun of others using big shields and summons to beat the game. And herein lie the difficulty options of Elden Ring:

    • Using greatshields makes a lot of the game a lot easier
    • Using spirit ashes makes places that allow them a lot easier (as opposed to player and npc summons they don’t affect the enemies health pool)
    • Using magic allows you to attack with little risk to yourself

    You can also summon other players but i don’t know if that makes the game easier: As noted above it raised the enemies HP so everyone has to do their part to succeed but if you are a caster you can mostly sit back and blast enemies from afar while your summons tank. Using player summons also opens your world up for invasions and while the invader usually is in a 1v3 situation they also usually know what they are doing and how to deal with such situations.

    If you’re still stuck at a boss, just go somewhere else and explore. The game is designed to teach you that lesson with the first actual boss but a lot of people take it as the game just being hard.

    All of this is to say: it is okay to use the games integrated mechanics that make it easy. It doesn’t make you less of a gamer. Elden Ring has such a beautifully crafted world and if you’re looking very interesting lore and it’s a shame that seemingly all people talk about is the difficulty. It is actually the easiest Fromsoft title if you want it to be as it gives you a lot more and more powerful tools than the other games.

    (Also if you see a chonky looking gal in black full body armour called Sieglinde, summon me. I have great heals, a big chonky sword and love helping people 😘)

  • Only with friction. Without it you’ll build exactly enough speed on your fall to the center of gravity that it carries you out to the same distance on the other side.

    Think a swing on the playground. If you’re high up and swing down you build up speed and that speed carries you up again, just that due to friction you have to input energy to keep going up to the same height.

    Fun story: my dad built a swing for my niece recently and the friction was very low. When i tested it, i was swinging standing up and because almost no friction slowed me down I was unable to stop and got quite scared. I had to sit down while swinging and put my feet on the ground to break.

  • So in German we have different forms of job descriptions depending if the gender of the person. So doctor would be Arzt for a dude and Ärztin for a lass. Now when talking about a mixed gender group of doctors, the plural form of the masculine form would be generally used. This kinda leads to people always thinking about a group of male doctors. To mitigate that, there’s been multiple attempts to make more inclusive forms. For the most time listing both forms was the go to, as in Ärzte und Ärztinnen. The gender star was an attempt to combine it into Ärzt*Innen in which the star was read as a little pause. Other ways to write that pause include ÄrztInnen where you just capitalize the I and my favourite Ärzt:Innen, as the : is read as a pause by screen readers while the star is read as it’s own word by then. My actual favourite form however is gendering after Phettberg which entirely gets rid of the gender and builds a different plural: Ärztis. It also sounds cute and I’m all for more cuteness. That form sadly is used nowhere.

  • I transitioned but the lack of approval from my friends regarding the rule changes kept me from being motivated enough to write my own rulebook. We play a different rule system than DnD and my friends were like “Oh no, we like our fights uninteresting. Motivates us to seek other solutions” which is great that they’re choosing non violent solutions but sometimes fights are unavoidable.

    Funny enough, some of my proposed rule changes later appeared in an extra rule book by the official authors because they also thought that fights could be more interesting. Sadly I had no hand in that but I’m glad it happened because my friends are really heavy on sticking to official rules. Sorry this kinda turned into a rant.

  • You go say “assassinate people on stage if you don’t like them” to a crowd with more guns than people and where shootings are already a daily occurrence.

    I’d not only be worried for me and my friend but for the people just standing in my audience as well. Remember the time some dude killed a lot of concert goers in Las Vegas i think from his hotel window? That’s a lot more than just risking your own live by saying that.

  • Look i read a lot of your stuff and agree with a bunch of it and disagree with a bunch which is fine but NEVER downplay the terrors nazi Germany caused again. You don’t know shit about anything if you think the US is more genocidal and racist than nazi Germany. The US is a shit country with a broken system that lets you choose between trash and a dumpster fire but holy shit was Nazi Germany bad. You seem to be from the US so maybe you don’t get taught a lot about it. Yes, the US is complicit in genocide but there’s levels to it. The Germans were worse, they’d tell you to pack all your important belongings if you were a Jew or anyone else on their list of undesirables. Then they’d throw you in a train after taking all your important belongings you so neatly sorted for them so they don’t have to put big effort into searching your place for riches. You’d get treated as an animal in a container and brought to a camp, split up from your family. At this point your fate almost certainly was death. You’d get put to work. Near constant work with not enough food to sustain your body so you’d slowly decrease more and more day after day until you die. You might also get your still alive body experimented on in full pain by doctors. If the camp was already too full for new arrivals (as they didn’t just go after their own population but they waged war all over and put more and more people in camps) or if they just felt like it they’d put you down like an animal, be it gas chambers or other methods. Like i get that the prison system in the US is ethnically targeted slavery and the US has and had their fingers in a lot of fucked up shit but don’t ever use fucking nazi Germany for your hyperbole again.