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Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Per US Constitution, Article 2, Section 1:

    No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

    AOC was born in New York City, NY, USA on 10/13/1989. On 10/13/2024, as in this October 13th, AOC will turn 35 years old. At that point she will be eligible to take the office of the presidency.

    35 would be the youngest age of any president, though. The most recent younger presidents were Barack Obama and Bill Clinton at 47 and 46, respectively. The youngest ever president was Theodore Roosevelt at 42.

    It would be a hard line to cross given that the majority of voters seem to be older, but it would be monumental in my nation’s history.

  • I mean, if anything, the fact that the Oil & Gas industry uses hydrogen for refining means that there is a possible, robust market for green hydrogen to get into (don’t like this because it means oil is still the focus, when we need to consider green chemistry and stop with oil).

    The O&G industry also helped usher in solar PV at an early stage because of the needs of remote power in hazardous environments such as offshore rigs and near potential sources of release like oil tanks (I used to work as an engineer in O&G myself).

    There’s actually a lot of work by GE and Mitsubishi to start shipping new gas turbines to be capable of firing a non-zero amount of hydrogen in addition to natural gas. I think some plants are even capable of doing 50/50 hydrogen/natural gas, with that former number increasing year over year.

    Hydrogen could outstrip conventional fuels someday. The bottleneck has always been supply though.

    If renewables are so abundant and cheap, then we’ll finally have a reason to deploy hydrogen infrastructure on a massive scale (at least in the US). Hell, you look at the major inverter manufacturers for utility PV like Sungrow, and they have containerized electrolyzers ready for implementation. I haven’t done a market survey, but if they’re in the game, then so are other players.

    If you want to be convinced of the progress of hydrogen, I would look into the project that Sargent & Lundy is working on in Utah. They’re planning on using a salt cavern for hydrogen storage, and I believe there is a CCGT onsite as well to make use of the generation.

    Hydrogen is even on the minds of offshore wind developers like Siemens.

    The substance isn’t doomed like others in this thread make it out. There is active interest in the market to develop a supply chain and economy.

    Edit: The one thing I don’t see a lot of people talk about though is where the raw materials for this hydrogen will come from… Likely groundwater unfortunately. Since groundwater is already a highly sought after resource for consumption and agriculture, I’m not sure if hydrogen in this way will take off. This is why offshore hydrogen seems to be more promising, but as we see with wave and tidal power, the ocean environment just sucks for any commercialization.

    It’s an uphill battle, but the same can be said for the climate crisis in general. Hope we make enough progress before it’s too late.

  • McDonald’s also fries things in beef tallow, iirc

    Edit: after confirming online, there are multiple reports saying that McD’s stopped using animal-based fats for cooking some 5-30 years ago depending on the market (e.g. US, Canada, etc.). The big push to move away from beef tallow in the US was in the '90s, and now McDonald’s confirms that there is beef flavoring in their fries.

    Edit 2: and I guess McDonald’s uses mostly a canola-based oil blend, but beef flavoring still goes into the blend.

    Edit 3: And looking at the ingredients of the vegetable oil itself, the beef flavorants come from hydrolyzed milk derivatives, so not vegan. Apparently McDonald’s uses different oils for different things, so I wonder if in the future people could ask for the oil without the flavoring.