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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2024


  • Wow imagine that someone might not have all the time you do to research politics in America. Or maybe they just aren’t smart enough right?

    How are so many replies here full of this blind nonsense.

    Did it ever occur to any of you spoiled fucks that politics usually ranks below:

    1. Work
    2. Taking care of family members
    3. Cleaning/maintaining property and equipment
    4. Spending free time with family
    5. Taking care of personal medical conditions

    You can’t imagine a single person who say works 2 or 3 jobs and has no time left for politics? Oh right they should probably just know already who’s the right person to vote for, huh? How stupid they must be right?

    And then y’all use that as evidence the country is going to shit and full of stupid people. Y’all are so fucking arrogant and none of it is earned.

  • Why is it so important that everyone vocalize exactly how reluctant they are to vote for Biden? Has his administration really done so poorly? I understand the frustration with Israel but that has more to do with us as a country historically as well as with how strong our ties with Israel are. I don’t know how fast everyone expects us to break all those bonds, and they somehow expect there to be no backlash either?

    Apparently patience is just gone in the internet age.

  • Some people are actually torn between the two, their close family and community lives are so intermingled with both that they actually are both seen as reasonable choices and are waiting to hear more about them to make a decision.

    I don’t see anything wrong with people waiting to see the candidates speak unassisted for nearly 2 hours in a rapid fire debate setting where they had to:

    1. Lay out their vision for the future
    2. Defend past decisions since both were/are president
    3. Handle the juvenile bickering that is bound to happen

    Its one of the most honest and open displays of exactly who these candidates are, and even though I was already likely to vote Biden, I do feel better after hearing his IDEAS and THOUGHTS despite how he said them.

  • I’ve definitely been on both sides of the ghosting thing, its hard to figure out why that becomes the easy choice. Maybe its just that people are hard and staying home alone is easy? Or maybe ghosting the person allows you to avoid any negative emotional consequences in the short term? I suppose you could try to reassure the person you aren’t upset with them.

    For me I’ve noticed too that when I want to be left alone is when people won’t leave me be, and when I’m trying to find someone to do something with there is no one, so maybe it has something to do with expectation.

  • I think what the poster is trying to say is that for most people perspective is a choice and can be changed by making small adjustments to your life. You can also make huge adjustments but most people won’t tolerate changing too fast.

    The idea is that instead of the road to your goal being difficult and full of deception, its maybe that the goal itself is unreasonable or incorrect.

    There’s a lot of talk about how to achieve ones goals, whatever they are, but not much talk towards setting realistic goals for yourself and being realistic with what you expect to get out of achieving those goals.

    Edit to add: more to your point about trying to make friends, its possible that its because the goal doesnt make sense. In my experience, adults dont have time to make friends just for the sake of friendship. It would be more realistic to set a goal of attending some sort of social event or sport consistently for a year where you would be around people enough to develop friendships without any risk.

    Also I think these days people looking to meet strangers to make friends are almost indistinguishable from scammers and fraudsters at first, so that could be part of the issue with the relationships you’ve tried to pursue if that applies at all.