I guess.
Then again, I’m done “having a beer” with these cousin-fuckers, so
I guess.
Then again, I’m done “having a beer” with these cousin-fuckers, so
My only problem with the “weird” verbiage is that it was far too soft.
The GOP is far beyond “weird” and well into full-blown Fascist territory.
But we wouldn’t want to “alienate” anybody by speaking facts!
Well, they need to harden the fuck up and embrace a little bit of inconvenience, if they wish to keep our Republic.
In France, they set shit on fire. In America, we wring our hands about using a retailer other than Amazon.
Dan Bongino, sadly, is right: we really are a bunch of pussies.
Just buy shit elsewhere, Jesus Christ.
Where did you buy stuff before Amazon? Just do that.
Really, that’s still weak. Why go back to Amazon at all after a week or two? Anything you can find on Amazon, you can purchase elsewhere.
I say, delete your goddamned Amazon account already. Don’t give them one more penny. You certainly don’t have to. They’re not the only retailer in town for fuck’s sake.
It’s the very least we can do.
A boycott will be more effective if we laser-focus our efforts:
As for me, I’ve done my part. I will never shop Amazon again, or purchase from any online store that uses Amazon for shipping, and all my Meta accounts have been permanently deleted. Done.
Why restrict it to a few days or a week “blackout” or whatever? That’s weak sauce. Everything you can find on Amazon, you can find elsewhere. Stop giving them money.
It is the rural areas.
I’m in rural TN, and the Trump cult is embedded deep here.
I get to look out my bedroom window and see Trump flags every morning.
Dear god, as an American, I really hope Europe does the right thing and tells the US, with Trump at the help, to fuck all the way off.
They have experience with Fascism. They should know better.
If Europe goes under, the West is done.
I’d rather my tax dollars be spent on these things, than more cyber trucks or whatever.
But Musk’s companies are getting more lucrative government contracts, paid for by the taxpayer, so that’s cool I guess.
Not one bit. That language was way too soft.
Australia, I know y’all can throw better and harsher insults. Please bring it.